Chapter 5

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Levi marched his way to the stairs, finding you stood, hands behind your back as you gazed out the window.

You were watching the rain drop down the windowpane, mesmerised and calm.

"Let's go." Levi spoke bluntly.

You tensed a little at the sudden voice, and quickly turnt around, your calm expression replaces with a slight scowl as you glanced up the stairs.


Levi went first, and you went after, heading up to the top floor where Reiner was scrubbing one of the large windows.

He must've heard you both come up because he quickly saluted before glaring at you making you glare back at him.

"What's she doing here?" He sneered.

"You're going to be working together."

"Hell no!" He yelled.

"I don't like this either jackass."

Storming over, you grabbed a sponge from his bucket and walked over to the other widow and begun to scrub the hell out of it.

Both you and Reiner worker in silence, the atmosphere was that tense you could cut it with a knife.

It wasn't long when someone came jogging up, whispering to Levi.

"I'll be back soon, you better not start shit." He warned you both.

You watched Levi leave before you went back to cleaning, you worked in silence and forgot that Reiner was with you.

Though the silence only lasted for about an hour when you accidentally bumped into the other cadet.

"Look where you going." He growled.

"It was an accident." You huffed.

"Well I don't want to touch you, so go somewhere else and clean."

You put your sponge down, standing back up to your full height, as you tilted your head a little, murder in your eyes.

"Is there a problem with me?" You asked lowly.

"Yes, there is. Piss off."

A small smirk made its way on to your face.

"Or what?"

"I swear down (L/N)."

"Make me move." You whispered.

Reiner dropped his sponge and lunged at you, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt, pinning you against the wall.

"I'll give you one warning, let, me, go." You warned.

"Or what?" He mocked.

Bringing your hand up, you grabbed his wrist and started to apply pressure making him wince.

Reiner stumbled back a few steps as you carried on applying pressure trying to pull his hand free, but you wouldn't let him, you backed him up against the window.

"I swear to go let me go!" He roared.

You started to bend his arm backwards, but a hand on your wrist made you stop, but not let go.

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