Chapter 23

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Both you and Levi walked down the hall, you were wringing your hands nervously.

"My office brat."

"Yes sir..."

You followed him silently, you were nervous. He seemed more pissed off than usual, and you didn't want to get into an argument with him
Because you knew it wouldn't end well.

Following Levi into his office, you stood there in the middle of the room while he stood not to far away from you.

"You'll be moving into the room next to my office, you are to report to me every morning and every night. You are to work on controlling your powers before I even think about letting you on an expedition. Should you feel even the slightest bit of anger, you are to remove yourself from that situation and come here, understood?"

You stayed silent for a moment, taking everything in.

"Okay, but what if I get angry with you? Do I remove myself then?"

Levi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he faced you.

"Yes, then you are to come straight back after you have calmed down."

"Oh, okay then."

"Get your stuff and move them into the room on the left, then come here after. We need to discuss methods of calming you down, as well as how your training will work."


Quickly leaving, you made your way to your room, grabbing all your stuff, packing it. Thankfully you didn't really have much, so it was easy.

Leaving the room, your started making your way down the halls.


Turning around, you watched Armin come over with animals who took some things off you.

"We're glad your okay. Where are you going?"

"I'm moving rooms. Levi said I have to."

Armin nodded his head and you all started to walk in that direction.

"You could have told us." Mikasa spike.

"I know.. it's just.. complicated I guess. I don't know all of it myself."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out. If you need help, we'll help you!" Armin smiled.

You beamed back and pushed the door to your new room open, dumping your stuff on the bed.

"You guys are the best!"

Bringing the two in for a hug, you quickly pulled away and headed to the door.

"Gotta go!"

"O... okay.." Armin blushed.

You waltzed into Levi's office again, heading to the desk where he was sat and took a seat.

"How do you calm yourself?"

"Hmm, I suppose I like going for walks, they're nice. And singing my favourite song, that's calming too."

Levi nodded his head, writing that down.

Putting his quill down, he folded his arms across his chest as he looked at you.

"For your training, we'll start by getting you to control your anger, which means purposely making you angry. Then we'll move on to the next step."

"I don't think that's a good idea..."

"Why not?"

"I could hurt someone. It'll end badly."

"Well, if we can't calm you down, I'll put you down." Levi shrugged.

You glared, was it really that easy for him? Would he just put you down without a second thought? Kill you just because you couldn't calm down? Would it bother him?

"It wouldn't bother me to kill you." He said as if he read your mind, "I'll do what I have to do for humanities safety. If you go wild, if myself or anyone else can't calm you, I'll do what I have to do."

You opened your mouth but quickly closed it. You were going to tell him that he would have a better chance, but what reason did you have to support that? You decided against it, deciding to keep the fact that Levi was your anchor to yourself. Who knows, maybe it wasn't true, and your anchor was someone else, there was no proof that it was Levi.

That's right, you had no proof, it was one time, Otis probably got it wrong because Levi Ackerman could NOT be your anchor

Anchor (Levi x reader) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum