Chaper 31

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You fist just missed Oris head, but his connected with your stomach making your gasp for air, your body flew backwards crashing into a wall.

"Ha, how weak." Ori laughed madly.

Growling, you stood up, cradling your stomach for a moment before you started to walk forward, Black smoke danced around your feet as you moved, the guides on your skin becoming slightly darker.

Ori ran at you, his leg aimed for your head which you just barely managed to dodge, his fist flew towards your face and you barely dodged that as well.

While Ori had the opposition, you had the defence, you had quick reflexes and you were able to avoid his hits by millimetres.

"You're weak! Pathetic! You don't stand a chance!"

'Keep going!'

You grinned, you had your own trick up your sleep, but it needed time before it was ready. The only problem was you weren't sure how long that was going take.

"You're too slow!" You teased.

Ori yelled, charging at you, waiting until the very last minute you jumped, hands on his back as you flipped over him.

The training with Levi had really payed off.

As you landed on the ground, you spun, bringing your leg back, kicking Ori in the back with all your force sending him flying backwards.

"You little shit!" He roared.

Shadows surrounded Ori, his eyes flowed even brighter.

Your eyes widened a little, in the blink of an eye Ori was in front of you, he stood on one leg, a grin on his face as he booted your across the village, your body tumbling across the ground.

You coughed out blood, wiping your lip with the back of your hand, you slowly stood on trembling legs, using the wall next to you as support.

Your eyes looked around for the other demon, the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end and before you could react you were launched across the village again, crashing into more debris.

"Shit.." you whispered.

You tried to get up, but you fell back down, cursing again, laid there for a moment.

'Hang in there kid.'

"I'm trying..."

You spat out some more blood, you could feel it trickle it's way down your had and arm. You'd definitely bruised or broken a few ribs as well with the force you were crashing into things.

Shadows appeared in front of you, a fist coming flying towards you face, you rolled to one side, another came at you and you rolled to the other side. This time both fits came at you, you just managed to avoid them.

Bringing your legs up, you pushed Ori away with all your force sending him a good few metre away into a semi built house, but it fell atop of him.

"I'm not going down that easily." You growled.

Standing up, you shook your head a little to focus yourself. You could see the rubble moving, it gave you at least a minute to catch your breath.

That's when you heard it, the pounding of hooves in the distance.

Shaking your head, you chose to ignore them, you couldn't let them distract you.

Ori freed himself, his body flying towards yours, and again started the dance of him trying to hit you, and you avoiding him.

As the scouts got closer, they could clearly see the fighting. They stopped a good distance away and all got down from their horses, they didn't dare get too close.

They watched your body get roundhouse kicked and go flying. Dust and dirt flew into the air as you crashed into the ground, and a streamline of black smoke made its way towards you.

"(Y/N)!" The cadets yelled.

They went to rush forward but they quickly stopped.

"Don't! You can't get any closer it's not safe!" Erwin yelled.

"She'll die if this keeps going!" Jean yelled.

"Have more faith in her, she's been training." Levi said in a bored tone.

Everyone stayed quiet, being more scared of arguing with him than the commander. They all watched the scene anxiously from afar.

Levi has his eyes trained on where you had landed.

"Come on brat, get up..." he whispered.

He didn't see the look Erwin sent him, he had heard and a soft smile appeared on his face.

You laid there, eyes closed for a second before they snapped open.

Ori stood in front of you, hands on his hips, a mad smirk on his face. 

"I told you, you wouldn't win this. So, ready to give up."

Coughing up blood, you tried to stand, fell back down. Then stood up again, you felt hazy, dizy, your body was screaming at you to stop, you'd been at this for hours, you'd barely made a mark on him, but he'd completely battered you.

Your body was screaming at you to stop, to give in. A pair of soft blue eyes flashed before you, Erwin's face in your mind, then the faces of your friends, then finally the face of Levi.

You remembered why you were doing this, so, on shaky legs you stood up, body threatening to fall at any minute.

"No, I won't give up. Even when I'm dead. I won't give up, no matter how much you beat me, knock me down. I refuse."

'It's done!'

A smirk made its way on your face, maybe this would be the turning point now

Anchor (Levi x reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن