Chapter 25

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The sun had long since set when you started heading back in, you were walking through the halls.

"(Y/N)!" Reiner called.

He and Bertolt were walking towards you, and spins round in their tracks to walk with you.

"We just wanted to apologise about earlier."

"Yeah.. we're sorry..." Bertolt muttered.

You glanced at them and ignored them, hoping they'd go away, but they didn't.

"Come on, don't ignore us." Reiner sighed.

You carried on ignoring them, Reiner went to grab your wrist, but the look your shot him made him raise his hands and back away a few steps.

"Alright, alright. We'll leave you be."

With that they left, and you knocked on Levi's door before opening it.

"Still can't wait for an invitation to come in." He sighed.

You sat down quietly, trying to think of how you would ask the question you wanted to ask.

"Well, What is it?"

"I want to go to my village."

Levi furrowed his brows at the statement.


"I need to go back, I feel like maybe I'll find some answers there. I'm not sure, something just keeps telling me to go there, like a gut feeling, it's not far from here, maybe two days out."

"Tsk, I'll speak with Erwin."

"Thank you."

Getting up, you left the room and headed into yours, climbing into bed.

Maybe there was nothing there, you could just be homesick. But you felt drawn back to that village, you had to go back for some reason.

Morning came, and you were just starting to stir as there was a knock on your door.

"Come in..." You sleepily called.

Rubbing your eyes, you heard the door open and closed. Focusing on who entered, both Levi and Erwin stood there.

"You wish to go back to your village?"


Erwin nodded.

"Alright, you can go today. Although Levi will have to go with you since you can't go alone."

"That's fine."

"Hurry up and get ready." Levi huffed.

Nodding, you waited for them to leave before quickly getting ready, packing a bag with a few things, you quickly headed outside to saddle up.

Levi was already waiting by his horse when you climbed onto yours.

"Let's go then."


The pair of you silently set off, it must've been a few hours when you finally spoke.

"I'm sorry you had to come with me, I just feel the need to go back."

"Tsk, whatever. Let's just get it done with."

"Yeah..." you whispered.

More time went by, and the sun was setting, you were riding along a small stream when Levi pulled his horse to a stop making you stop yours.

"We'll camp here."

Nodding, you slid off the back of your horse and pulled your things down with you, setting your sleeping bag up, you started to look around.

"I'm going to gather some wood." You said.

Levi grunted, letting you know he heard you and you wondered away to a few nearby trees. Searching the ground, you started piling sticks on the floor, brushing some dirt and leaves away to help you with your search.

Your hands brushed something cold, you stopped.


Brushing dirt away from the patch, you found a some stone buried in the ground with writing on it.

Sitting in the floor, you started to dig at it, curious as to what it was.

It took a good few minutes but you finally did it. It was in a langue you didn't understand, but the more you stared at it, the clearer it was becoming the words seemed to move around.

"The day will come when two of the same kind meet, and all hell will break lose. One will day, one will live, but they'll never be the same..." you whispered.

You furrowed your brows, that was really odd. Why would something like that be buried all the way out here.

While you were thinking, you didn't release that you'd been sat there for nearly ten minutes just thinking.

"Oi brat! It doesn't take that long!"

Jumping out of your thoughts, you scrambled up and quickly gathered all your sticks, rushing back over before dropping them on the floor.



You let Levi set the fire up while you sat there watching, mind wondering back to those words

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