Chapter 6

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You'd been sat out there for hours, blood running freely down your knuckles, mixing with the rain and dirt on the path below you.

"(Y/N), I think you should come in." Krista said gently.

Your red, puffy, eyes met here, and you glanced behind her. Inside the doorway stood all your friends, some of them holding towels.

Turning back to Krista, you shook your head.

"Go away." You said quietly.

"You've been out here for hours, you'll get sick!" She argued.

You shrugged, gazing out into the rainy field. Another set of footsteps approached, and Ymir appeared right in front of you with Mikasa.

"Get your ass inside now. You're making everyone worried."

"I didn't ask for people to be worried." You bit back.

"Well, that's what friends are for." Krista smiles gently at you.

Friends, you didn't think you had many off them. Especially with your short temper and constant anger.

Mikasa and Ymir wordlessly held their hands out, and you sighed heavily, reaching both yours out allowing the girls to pull you up and followed them inside.

Instantly you had towels thrown over you, and one carefully draped over your head by Bertolt. He smiled at you gently and stepped away.

"Your hand!" Armin panicked.

You raised your hand, letting the blood drip on the floor.

"Oh yeah..."

Reiner and connie both stepped forward, Reiner holding some bandages while connie held a steaming hot cup, and in the background Jean held a plate while trying to stop Sasha from eating it.

"Dumbass, I knew you'd need them. Sit down."

Taking a seat against the wall, you watched Reiner carefully and slowly sit in front of you.

"Look, I'm sorry for how I've been acting towards you. You just irritate me most of the time, you're so damn cocky and I never see you do anything, but it's not an excuse."

You laughed weakly, for once you didn't feel a rise of anger from looking at or being near him.

"Thank moron, I'm sorry as well. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Reiner shrugged, wiggling his bandages hand with a grin.

"We can match." He laughed.

"In your dreams." You laughed back.

Holding out your hand, you allowed Reiner to tend to the wounds, wrapping them up for you, taking the cup from connie and passing it to you which you gratefully sipped from.

"Thanks guys."

"Hey, we're all friends, alright." Jean said placing your plate next to you.

You felt the bubbling up inside of you, you could tell it didn't like that, but you pushed it back down.

'We don't need friends.' It hissed

Ignoring the voice, you placed your cup down and started to eat some of your food. Everyone sat around you, talking and laughing and you felt good, you felt... happy.

Knowing you had friends made you feel more stronger, it made you feel like you could control yourself, that you could keep the demon at bay. It was like confidence flooded through you, you never had anything to protect. But now you did, you wanted to keep them all safe, and to do that, you had to stay in control.

You sat there silently, enjoying everyone's company.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Connie called.

You raised your gaze to meet his, letting him know you heard him.

"Is it true you hit Captain Levi?"

You gulped, paling a little. You forgot about that, he was going to kill you when he next saw you...


"Oh shit! You don't hit gentle either." Reiner snickered.

Groaning you lightly hit your head off the back of the wall.

"I was angry... I didn't know what I was doing..."

"What do you mean?" Ymir asked next, "surely you knew?"

"No." You sighed, "when I get too angry... I sort of... black out?"

"That's scary..." Krista whispered.

You nodded your head in agreement, it was very scary.

"Why are you always so angry anyways?" Jean questioned.

You froze for a second, then shrugged a little. You didn't know what to tell them, how to explain it to them. You were angry at everything, the world, people, Titans, your parents, the thing inside of you, and it was always angry too making yours worse.

You didn't know how to explain it, so you didn't.

"I guess i just have a short temper."

He nodded and they left it at that, but little did you know Levi was stood around the corner. He wanted to know what all the commotion was, and he heard the question and your reply, and he could easily tell you were lying.

Questions built up inside him, everyone had something to hide. Everyone had a secret. So, what was yours?

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