Chapter 22

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As you arrived outside, your nerves started to fill your body, your leg was shanking a you looked around. Not many people were outside, Hanji and Eren were the only two stood waiting while others were walking around.

"(Y/N)!" Eren yelled.

You wasted no time in hopping from the cart, rushing straight into your friends arms as you buried your face into his shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell us?" He whispered.

"I was scared... do you all hate me for it...?"

Eren pulled you away, a smile on his face as he shook his head.

"Of course not! You weren't scared of me, and I'm not scared of you."

You smiled and laughed softly, you went to hug him again when you were pulled away by someone.

Wiggling yourself free, you turnt around to face Levi who looked even more unimpressed than normal.

"You're to go with Hanji."

"Right, sorry."

Sheepishly waving bye to Eren, you padded up to the other squad leader who squealed and smiled as she saw you, instantly crushing you into a hug.

"This is gonna be so fun!"

"Cut the crap shitty glasses and let's go." Levi sighed.

You pulled away from Hanji.

"You're coming too?"

"Well obviously, you're under my watch. I have to be there for any experiments or tests she runs. And, since I'm apparently the only one who can calm you down when you lose control I have to be there."

Making a sound of understanding, you quietly followed them into Hanjis lab and took a seat on the bench se pointed to.

"So, first question. How does the demons power effect you?"

"Well... it makes me stronger, and angrier, but that's because I can't control it fully yet. That's about all I know."

"Do you heal faster because of it?"

"I'm not sure."

Hanji nodded, pitting he notebook down, she walked over with a knife and you gulped slowly inching away from her.

The room around you faded, and you found yourself in an alleyway, some random woman stood over you with a knife as she demanded your money and your food.

The guides started to appear on your skin as you got ready to fight back.

Hanji was pushed away and Levi stood in front of you with his arms crossed.

"Don't you dare." He warned.

"She's going to stab me!"

"What? No I'm not, I'm just going to cut your arm." Hanji spoke confused.

Hearing Hanjis voice, you blinked, and there you were back in the lab.

"I... I'm not...? Sorry. Bad memory."

The guides vanished and Levi took a step back, letting her come closer. You held out your arm, and winced a little as Hanji dragged the knife across it, the moment she took the blade away your skin started to heal, the cut getting smaller and smaller until it was nothing but a scar.

"Amazing!" Hanji gushed.

You inspected your arm, running your fingers along the scar.

"Woah... that's never happened before.. last time it took weeks to heal."

"Last time?" Levi asked.

You nodded your head and looked up at him.

"I used to live on the streets as a kid, I would steal money and food to get by. One day this woman came up to me with a knife, she demanded my food and money, when I gave it to her, she stabbed me. Not deeply but deep enough, that's why when Hanji came over I started getting defensive."

You lifted your shirt, showing off the pentagram on your stomach, in this lighting, Levi was able to look properly. There were quite a few scars littering your torso, but a large one caught his eye, though he said nothing about it.

Hanji walked over, hands hovering over the dark skin of the pentagram.

"Do you mind?" She asked.

"No, go for it."

Hanji touched it, poking and prodding it. Though you had many scars, none of them touched the mark, it was as if it was indestructible.

"This is what traps the demon inside you?" She asked.


"It's not very dark."

"It's breaking."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

You let your shirt fall back down and sat down again, swinging your legs a little.

"It's a seal, it traps Otis in me. Though, as the years go by, it fades a little more each time."

"Can it be redone?"

"I'm not too sure, my father did it, but he died years ago."

Hanji nodded, furiously scribbling everything that you say. She looked up, excitement in her eyes.

"Can you talk to it?"

"Yes, I speak to him a lot. Otis was the one who told me about most of the stuff I know."


'She's absolutely insane, isn't she?'

"Yeah.. you could say that..." you muttered.

Levi rose a brow at you, and you offered a sheepish smile. He must've heard you, but you guessed Hanji hadn't by the way she was still taking notes.

"You can go for now. I need some time to think of what to try next." She sang.

"Let's go brat." Levi sighed.

Getting up, you waved bye to Hanji and silently followed Levi out

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