Chapter 1

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Sitting on the fence, your eyes were glued to the soldiers training before you. You were watching their every move, able to predict who would strike next, and who would win, it was like a game you played with yourself.

"(L/N), you should be training." A voice snapped.

Glancing up, your (E/C) eyes met those of your fellow cadet Reiner.

"You're not my boss." You replied in a bored tone.

"We're all training and you're sat here on your ass doing nothing!"

"I'm watching how the others train." You shrugged, "that way when I train against them I know how to beat them."

Reiner growled in annoyance, storming into the training ring, standing in front of you with his arms crossed and a fire in his eyes.

"That won't help if you ever need to get close with a titan."

"Why would I be fighting hand on hand with a titan?"

There was a mischievous smirk on your face as you asked, you enjoyed winding the man up, you got frustrated so easy.

Reiner growled and pointed to the centre of the ring, narrowing his eyes at you.

"Get in the damn circle (L/N)."

You shrugged and hopped off the fence, landing in your feet with a small thud.

"Yes sir." You said with a mock salute.

Padding over to the ring, you stood there hands clasped behind your back as you watched Reiner enter, taking off his cape and tossing it to one of the other cadets.

"You, me. Fighting."

With that, Reiner lunges at you, his fist flying towards you face which you easily dogged by stepping to the side.

There was whispers all around you, but Reiner just growled and lunged again, he threw punch after punch but you always managed to dodge them.

Reiner stopped to catch his breath, yet you were barely out of it.

"Fight back (L/N)!" He yelled.

"If you insist."

Bracing your feet on the floor, you waited for him to move, once he was close enough, you grabbed the cadet by the arm and spun him around, your leg sweeping under his. He didn't fall, but he stumbled.

Reiner steadied himself rushing you, he went to kick you, making you dart to the side, his fist connected with the side of your face making you stumble back.

Taking this to his advantage, Reiner lunged once more, landing a clean blow to your nose making blood pour down. He tried again, but you grabbed his fist, tossing him to the side as your hands came up to try and stop the blood.

Reiner stood up, running for you, tackling you to the ground, he raised his fist and tried to punch you, but you easily blocked it, your eyes boring into his.

"Oi, that's enough!" A voice yelled.

Both of you turnt around to face Levi. You pushed Reiner off and stood, bringing your hands to your face briefly before you let go of your nose, allowing the blood to run free as you saluted.

"The asshole wasn't training!" Reiner yelled.

"That doesn't justify fighting her. You're both idiots and you'll both be on cleaning duty for a month. Reiner my office now."

Reiner stood, brushing his clothes down, retrieving his discarded cloak.

"That's not fair!"

"Make it two months!"

Reiner threw his arms in the arm and stormed away.

"Everyone back inside."

They all nodded and left, mumbling and whispering to each other about what had just happened.

"(L/N) medical bay then my office to discuss your punishment."

"Yes sir."

Finally able to leave, you wondered the halls until you ended up in the medical bay, Hanji was stood there with Eren, both who glanced at the door as the heard it open.

"The hell happened to you?" Eren asked.

"Got into a fight with Reiner.

"Did you win?" Hanji asked walking over.

"Not sure, Levi stooped us."

"Broken, he really did a number on you." She laughed lightly.

"Yeah I guess so."

"Take a seat and I'll sort that out."

Heading to a chair next to Eren, you flipped him off making him pout.

"You know I love you really Eren, don't be such a baby."

"You swore at me for no reason!"

"There's always a reason."

"Which is?"

"Not sure."

"You're an ass." He laughed.

Laughing with him, you grinned widely as you glanced at him before turning to Hanji so she could clean the blood and stick something on your nose.

"You need to stop pissing people off so much (N/N), one day no ones going to be there to stop them and someone will beat the shit out of you."

Hanji finished tending to your nose, so you stop and started heading towards the door, a smirk on your face as you spun around to face the pair.

"I'll think about it."

With that, you walked away leaving the pair to worry about you.

This was the third week in a row you were there because you got into a fight. Truth be told, you weren't sure why you always got into fights, but it gave you a release for all the pent up emotions deep inside, your been fighting since you were a kid, it was a habit you couldn't let go.

You were know as the badass out of all the cadets, no fear, strong, smart. You had it all.

You were the soldier everyone knew, but no one knew anything about

Anchor (Levi x reader) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon