Chapter 24

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That's how it went for weeks, between Hanji doing her experiments, and you training with Levi, you didn't have much time for yourself, and it was wearing you down.

You still didn't know what everyone thought of you, and you hated it.

Walking into the dining hall, you smiled at the fact that everyone was in there, for once you were on time to eat dinner with them, walking over, you took a seat at the edge of the table.

"Hey guys." You smiled.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Eren beamed.

Mikasa and Armin waves but everyone else ignored you making you smile fall. Balling your hands into fists, you stared down at the table.

"So this is how it's going to be, huh?"

Everyone looked at you at that statement.

"You're just going to ignore me? Pretend I don't exist? What happened to friends are always there for you? I get I didn't tell you guys, but I couldn't, now you now you're just going to treat me like a piece of shit?"

The table was silent.

"You're a monster, how the hell are we supposed to trust you knowing you could flip out at any time?" Jean snapped.

"Jean.. there's no need for that.." Connie whispered.

"But he's right, isn't he? It's what you all think. I get it, I'm a monster, okay, I always have been. Sorry I thought I could count on you guys."

"See even she agrees! She's dangerous! Out of control! Who knows what she could do to us!"

"Nothing because she's training with Captain Levi!" Eren yelled.

"What if she hurts him? Huh? Then who's going to stop her!? I bet she's not even at full power!"

"Leave her alone Jean!" Armin spoke meekly.

Everyone sat listening to the commotion. The ones you expected to defend you did, but the others just sat there silently making them as bad as Jean.

"You're right Jean. I'm not at full power, I could easily lose control. I suppose that's why you're scared of me."

"I'm not scared of you!"

"Clearly, you are. I wouldn't blame you though, I'd be scared of me too."

Standing up, you shoved your uneaten plate of food down the table towards Sasha and stepped away.

"I get it, I'm not wanted here. I won't bother you lot again."

"(Y/N) please stay!" Armin pleaded.

You shook your head, and carried on walking towards the door.

"(Y/N)..." Krista whispered.

"Let her go, she's not one of us." Jean grumbled.

"Shut the hell up!" Eren yelled.

You heard the commotions as you opened the door.

"Leave it Eren, it's not worth your time. He's right. I'm not one of you guys."

With that, you left, wondering the halls until you found yourself outside. You went to your normal place to sit, back resting against the tree.

Sighing, you closed your eyes and sat in front of Otis.

"You shouldn't worry about what they say."

"It's true though."

"You're right, it is true. You're not one of them, you're strong unlike them."

You simply just shrugged, choosing to ignore it. You just sat there watching the sky, feeling the calmness slowly take over your body. A memory flashed through your head.

You were sat on a small hill, nearby the village. Your father was sat next to you, a smile on his face as you both watched the sunset.

"It's peaceful, isn't it?" He asked.

You nodded furiously.

"Sunsets always calm me down when I'm stressed."

"They're pretty." You hummed.

"Yeah, they are." He chuckled.

That memory faded and another took over it.

Smoke filled your lungs, your body ached from running around trying to find your parents.

You somehow managed to stumble into the middle of the village where your father stood, black smoke seemingly drifting from his body.

"Dad..." you asked quietly.

He spun around, his yellow eyes glaring at you, he bore his teeth and you and snarled.

"Dad! Please calm down!" You cried out.

Running over, you hugged his legs tightly hoping to calm him down. He stopped moving, and made no sound, it was just the screams of the villagers and your sobs.

"We... we can go watch the sunset again.."

You were kicked away, your body crashing into the ground making you cry even harder as you sat up.

The yellow eyes briefly flicked back to the warm brown ones of your father.

"Run (Y/N)! Go!"

They flicked back yellow, and you scrambled backwards a little bit before climbing to your feet, you were torn, standing there in the middle of your burning village

You blinked, feel a tear slip down your cheek.

You had to go back there, you need answers

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