Chapter 4

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Morning came and Levi sat in his office, filling out some paperwork when the door was slammed open and closed.

He snapped his head up to find you stood there with a piece of paper in your hand as you offered him a half salute.

"Don't you knock damn it!?"

"You were expecting me." You shrugged.

"Walls save me.." he muttered, "give me the paper."

You padded over and handed it to him before collapsing in a chair letting him read it.

Levi's eyes scanned over the papers reading everything you had listed.

Bad food
That asshole Reiner

"Tsk, it's something." He grumbled.

Levi stood up, scribbling up two things before handing you the list back.

"So what's next?" You asked.

"You're going to paired up with Reiner today under my watch."

"Hell no!"

"It's not a debate!"

"I'll kill him!"

"You'll control your temper brat, that's what you'll do."

You growled and crossed your arms, pouting in your chair forcing Levi to roll his eyes as he started to head towards the door.

"Come on brat."


"(L/N), move."


You heard Levi mumble something and he stormed over, kicking the chair over making you fall on the floor but you still didn't move. You just sat up, arms still crossed, planted in your seat.

"Stop being so pathetic!"

"Call me whatever you want, I'm not moving, I don't care what you say or what punishment you give me."

Levi grabbed the back off your shirt, dragging you along behind him.

Down the hall, you passed a lot of people who laughed about the scene of the strongest soldier alive dragging a huffing cadet.

The pair of you passed Erwin's office where the commander and Hanji were talking outside. They both stopped their conversation.

"Uhm... Levi, why are you dragging (Y/N)?" Hanji asked.

"The bratty child won't move willingly." He snapped.

Hanji bit her hand to contain her laughter, and quickly ducked into Erwin's office before bursting out into a fit of laughs.

"Shut the hell up shitty glasses!"

Erwin sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he shook his head.

He crouched in front of you, arms resting on his knees.

"Why are you being so stubborn today?" He asked.

"Because he wants me to work with Reiner, and I don't want to."

"You need to get along with your fallow cadets sooner or later."

"How about never."

"(Y/N), the strength of a squad is only as good as its bonds. If you can't get along with Reiner, you won't be able to protect anyone. Someone might get hurt or worse."

"I hope the shitty bastard gets eaten."

"You don't mean that."

"I fucking do."

Erwin sighed once more, reaching or he placed a hand on your head and gave to a warm smile.

"Do it for me, please?"

You grumbled, taking your eyes from his to look at the ground.

"Levi, let her go."

Levi did as he was told and you sat up, Erwin stood, holding his hand out to you. Glaring at it for a few seconds, you took a deep breath and reach out, placing yours in his to allow him to pull you up.

You dusted your uniform and quickly let go of his hand.

"Where's Reiner now?" He asked Levi.

"Top floor."

"(Y/N), please go to the stairs and wait for Levi before going up."

"Whatever old man."

Stalking down the hall, you continued to pout on your way there.

Levi went to follow you but a hand on his shoulder made him stop, turning around to face his commander and friend.

"Brut force and punishments won't work on her. You can give (Y/N) all the punishments in the world, beat her down until nothing and it still won't work." He said lowly.

"What the hell does work on the moody brat then?"

"You need to be kind and patient with her, she's not one to be intimidated and threatened. All she needs is a little kindness, compassion and patience. You need to show her you're willing to work with her."

Levi crossed his arms, leaning against the wall with a frown as he stared at Erwin.

"Well, I'm not. I'm only doing it because you're making me."

Erwin chuckled, heading to his office door.

"I think you're the best person to help her. Maybe she'll help you too, just try it."

With that, Erwin left and Levi started to walk down the hall in the same direction as you.

What did Erwin take him for? Kindness, compassion and patience was not his thing. You frustrated him to no end, drove him insane. He hated doing this but he couldn't refuse, if he had his way you'd just been doing chores all day long, it would make his life easier than trying to get you to control your temper, he saw it as nothing but a lost cause.

Yet, at the same time Erwin was right, if you couldn't get along with others, there was no point being in the survey corpse, because it was all about trust in your squad members and with how you and Reiner were together it was a disaster waiting to happen.

Levi growled to himself, why the hell was this so difficult?! Why'd he get stuck with it

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