Chapter 28

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Shockingly, Otis' hiding place wasn't actually that far away. Only half a day out, it was surrounded by trees, and in the middle was a small wooden cabin.

"It's nice."

'It's was my home, many years ago.'

"You lived here?"

'Yes, when I was a human. Just before the titans appeared.'

"I see."

You didn't ask how he became a demon, you didn't want to pry. So you left it and quickly unpacked your stuff, ignoring Levi commenting on how dusty and messy it was.

"Grab a broom brat, we're cleaning this place up first."

'There's no time to waste, you must get started, go to the back of the house.'

Ignoring Levi, you did as Otis told you, and walked around the house, the unimpressed squad leader following behind you.

Behind the place was a river which you didn't notice, in the middle was a small patch of land.

'Go over there. The water is shallow enough to walk through.'

Nodding, you headed to the water, hesitating before you stepped in, walking towards the dry patch of land. The water at its deepest came up to your chest, but soon enough you were on the other side.

Sitting down on it, you crossed your legs and closed your eyes, entering your head to talk to Otis properly.

"I'll create a bond with you, but first you must remove the seals."

Heading over, you reached for the seals on the cage door, your hand reached towards the first one, fingers brushing against it.

If you wanted to back out now was the time, but you didn't, with a flick of your wrist you removed it, the one at the top fell off and the doors flew open, smoke surrounding you.

On the outside, Levi was carefully watching you, the guides appearing on your skin glowed a little, your eyes glowing yellow as they flew open before flattering closed again.

"This is stupid..." he muttered walking away.

There was no use him standing there watching you when he could do other things.

You feel to your knees at the sheer intense force of the power flooding through you, eyes searching around frantically for Otis.

A pair of bright yellow eyes appeared in front of you and the smoke cleared up, a Otis sat down in front of you, his knees nearly touching yours.

"Hold our your arm."


Stretching it out, you nearly pulled it back at the burning touch of Otis, but you kept it there, his fingers curled around your upper arm, while his other hand stayed near your wrist.

"This will hurt, and the full process could take a couple of days. Are you ready?"

Taking a deep breath, you nodded your head.

Otis nodded back, and pressed his palm to your wrist, a scream ripped through your throat, it felt like your arm was on fire, tears streamed down your cheek.

"It'll go away soon."

You bit back another scream staring into Otis yellow eyes, he smiled slightly.

"That's good, I'll let go in a moment, creating the seal itself doesn't take long, it's the power that does."

"What happens after?"

"With training, you'll be able to harness all my power."

You hummed a little, it was going to a long journey. But you had to in order to protect the world you cared for.

"There, all done."

Otis removed his hands, letting you pull your arm back. On your wrist was a bright red mark, a symbol. A flame within a circle.

"That is my official seal, it means that I am now attached to you, whatever you demand, I provide."

The black smoke around you started to trickle towards the mark, it seemed to enter the seal, vanishing into your body.

"While we wait, let's begin."

And like that, your training begun, first, was storing the power entering your body. This power was yours, and Otis could create, by doing this you'd be able to combine power with the demon and be twice as strong

Anchor (Levi x reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora