Chapter 27

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Everyone stood around your bed in the medical ward, trying to figure out what was wrong with you.

Levi stood in the far corner, arms crossed as he watched them all.

"What happened out there?" Hanji asked.

"Like hell if I know. She said she saw someone, then froze in he spot and went unresponsive. She then fell to her knees, looked at me in horror and passed out."

They all frowned, you weren't responding to anything they did. The only indication you were alive was the rise and fall of your chest.

You were lauded in the floor in your mind, when you passed out, you found yourself here.

Sitting up, you rubbed your head a little and looked towards the cage were Otis was kept.

"Otis, we have to do something."

The demon didn't reply, and you frowned.


Walking over, you peered in to the cage, but there was still no response.

"Hey asshole! Stop ignoring me!"


"I can't! We have to do something!"

"Don't you get it, we can't! He's the stronger side of me!"

"That doesn't mean we can't try!"


As Otis yelled this, you found yourself lurching forward in the medical bag, eyes wide open as you gasped.

You begun hitting your stomach in pure rage.

"Don't run away you coward!"

The demon never replied.

"(Y/N)!" Hanji and Erwin yelled.

They rushed over, but you pushed them away, standing on shaky legs.

"Lay back down, you need to rest."

"Shut up!"

Heading towards the door, you found your path blocked by Levi.

"Where do you think you're going?"


"Not until you explain what the fuck happened out there."

You glared, then sighed. You gave in, heading back over to the bed, you sat down and explained it the best you could.

"So there's two of you?" Hanji asked.


"What are you planning on doing?" Erwin asked.

You sighed again, staring at your hands. Those words too read a few nights before come to you, and they finally made sense.

Standing up, you balled your hands at your side.

"I'll do what I have to."

With that, you stormed out and to your room to throw on some new clothes.

"Will you help Otis? We can't give up without a fight. You may not have anything to protect but I do, my friends, my world. It may be a shit show right now, but if we defeat the titans we'll finally be free, and I want to see that day. I.. I want to see the ocean, and be able to walk around without the fear of being eaten, I know loads of people do! So, yeah, you may want to give up and accept this, but I don't, do you really want to go back to being that way, or do you want to change?"

There was a long silence and you sighed, giving up on trying to persuade the demon into helping you.

You were packing a bag when the demon stirred inside you.

' I'd like to see this ocean.' He spoke.

You smiled.

"Me too."

'We have just under a month, it's not long. But it might be enough time, I know a place we can hide from both Ori and these humans.'

"Can you lead me there?"

'Yes, of course. I'd like to change, without the darker half of me, I feel better, I feel different... I like this feeling.'

"Then we'll do all we can do to keep it that way." You smiled.

Tossing your bag over your shoulder, you left your room, heading outside where you were met with a group of people. Half the castle was out here looking at you.

"Where do you think you're going?" Erwin asked.

"To train. I have to if I even stand a slight chance at this."

"You can't do this alone!" Eren yelled.

"I have to, this isn't your fight. It's mine. My father started this, and I'm going to do my damned hardest to finish it."

Heading to the stables, you hopped onto a horse, riding behind them to find Levi sat on his, arms crossed. You rose a brow.

"You really think I'd let you leave in your own? I'm still in charge of you brat."

You laughed slightly and nodded, having some company would be nice, even if it was him.

"Fine, let's go then. Otis lead the way."

With that, you begun to follow the demons instructions, racing there was fast as you could

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