Chapter 13

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It was the day before the expedition and everyone was getting ready to seat off. You stood watching them all from your spot against the wall.

"Sorry we have to leave you behind." Krista said gently.

"It's alright, it's not your fault."

"Still, it sucks you have to stay here alone." Jean sighed.

You shrugged a little, offering them all a small smile.

"It'll be alright, I get a bit of a break." You laughed.

They laughed with you, Jean pulled you into a hug, and everyone followed suit, even Armin, Reiner, Bertolt, Ymir and Mikasa hugged you.

"You all come back safe, you hear me?" You half glared.

"Yes ma'am." They saluted.

You laughed rolling your eyes at them all, a soft smile still on your face.

"Stop hanging about and get ready!" Levi yelled.

Everyone quickly scrambled away, leaving you alone with the squad leader as he walked over. He stood before you, arms cross, glaring.

"Tsk, make sure the place is clean."


"I mean it, it better be spotless by the time we get back."

"It will, stop complaining." You groaned.

"I'm making sure you do your job brat." He snapped.

"I will, jeez, no need to nag."

"I swear I will make your life hell when I get back."

"Try it."

Levi glared and you glared back.

"Stubborn brat."

"Annoying ass."

Levi raised his hand, going to slap your head but he stopped, lowering his hand and walking away.

You watched him before shrugging your shoulders, another figure walking up to you making you groan.

"Piss off."

"That's not very nice." Erwin noted.

Sticking your tongue out him, you made him laugh as he stood in front of you.

"Take care of yourself, alright?"

You nodded, gazing down at the floor. You were annoying with him, but you were also worried.

"You'll come back... right...?"

"I make no promises (Y/N), you know that."

You stood there for a moment before you lunges forward, wrapping your arms around Erwin tightly. He didn't hesitate to hug you back, resting his chin on your shoulder.

"You're the only person I have left... I don't want to lose you Erwin."

"That's not true, you have your friends, Hanji, Levi."

"But they're not my family... you are..."

Erwin kissed the top of your head and pulled away, placing a hand on your cheek.

"I'll see you when we get back." He smiled.


You watched him walk away, and you watched everyone leave. You wanted to believe Erwin when he said he'd see you when he got back, but you couldn't. You didn't know if he, or anyone else would come back, and that didn't either, that's what made it so terrifying.

'They'll be fine.'

"You don't know that..." you grumbled.

'True, I don't. You should have more faith in them.'

"Outside the walls are dangerous."

'Inside, outside, both are equally dangerous if one isn't careful.'

"True." You nodded.

Spinning on your heel, you headed inside, hating how quiet it was. There was no chatter of soldiers, no cleaning and laughing.

Just your line footsteps, the echos bouncing of the walls. You hated it. This is what it was like to truly be alone, and you absolutely despised it, but you needed this time.


"Yes child?"

"Can you teach me to harness your power?"

'Perhaps, what is in it for me?'

You thought for a moment, trying to think of what would appeal to the demon.

"I... don't know yet..."

Otis hummed and then laughed.

'I will teach you the basics, everything else you must learn in your own.'


You smiled, heading to your room in order to enter your mind safely. If you were going to learn how to use his power, you'd need to be face to face with him

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