Chapter 29

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It had been two days, you hadn't moved from that spot since, and although he hated to admit it you had Levi worried.

He was sat on a chair, reading a book and something caught his attention. Putting the book down, he looked over at you to see your body swaying slightly.

"(L/N)?" He called.

Your eyes opened, unfocused before the turnt to him. Again the slipped close and you fell backwards into the water.

"Shit." Levi cursed.

Rushing over, he waded through the water, grabbing hold of you to drag you out. With ease, Levi picked you up and placed you on the floor in the living room next to a fire, covering your soaked body with towels and blankets.

"Tsk, idiot." He grumbled.

Again it was another few hours before you woke up, skirling sitting up with a groan, your body ached. But that was to be expected, glancing around, you couldn't see Levi so you stood and weak legs, and slowly started making your way around, finding Levi in the kitchen making a cup of tea.

"You're awake."

He heard your footsteps come closer and you sat at the table, and you watched as sat in front of you.


"It's been done."

You lifted your sleeve to show the seal in your wrist.

"I still have about 20 days, it'll take roughly three to get there. There's not much time for training, but Otis ran through and taught me the basics."

"Right, well, we'll start your training now. Outside."

Groaning, you got up and padded your way outside to the front. Levi stood in front of you.

"Show me."

Nodding, you let the power flood through your veins. Guides appeared all over your body, and your eyes turnt a bright yellow.

"First, let's see your strength, see that rock over there, break it."


Walking over, you looked at the rock, got into a fight stance and punched up. Yelping, you pulled your hand away.

"Try focusing your power into your hand." Levi called.

"That could work."

Shaking your hand a little, you begun directing power into your fist, letting it fly once more, you slammed your knuckles into the rock, it cracked a little but, the shattered under the force.

"Awesome..." you whispered.

'Good, it'll become second nature eventually.'

Nodding, you walked back over to Levi and stood in front of him.

"Stand still."

You rose a brow, but complied. Levi rushes forward punching you in the chest, before he reached you, you directed to your chest, you barely felt his punch.

"You're fast."

Levi lunged again, aiming to hit different parts of you body while you defended yourself from him. Directing power to different parts of your body, sometimes spilling it between them.

Levi went to kick your head, you grabbed his leg with one hand, and pushed it backwards making him stumble a few steps. He stood there catching his breath, and the guides vanished, your eyes returning to (E/C).

Falling to your knees, you tried to clear your nausea.

"Your body won't be used to a power like that yet. You'll have to keep activating it everyday." Levi spoke.


You moved one leg, foot on the ground while your arm rested on your leg. Once you felt better, you went to stand up, but a hand in your face stopped you.

Looking up, you connected eyes with Levi, and placed your hand in his outstretched one with a smile.


Standing, you let go and brushed the dirt from your clothes.

"You're handling it better than I thought you would."

Was that.. a compliment? Or at least, as close to one as you would get for him.

"Thank you."

Levi huffed and walked back inside, you trailing behind him.

"Tomorrow we'll test your hand to hand combat, without the powers."

"Yes sir."

Heading to the kitchen, you put your hair back, pulled an apron on and begun to prepare some food

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