Chapter 11

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Armin smiled and sat down in front of you, Eren and Mikasa doing the same thing.

"Well, the first thing is to close your eyes."


Closing your eyes, you waited for your next instructions.

"Take deep and even breaths, don't think of anything."

You did as you were told, your body moving with each breath you took in and let out. The hard part was clearing your head, so many things rushed through it.

"Damn this is hard..." you whispered.

"Shush, you're not supposed to talk." Eren whispered back.

Blowing raspberries at him, you went back to sitting in silence.

Around you were sounds, from the horses, the birds, the wind rustling the leaves of the trees, you found yourself at peace, and slowly you found yourself relaxing.

Everything around you seemed to fade, and you were just sat inside your own mind, you body relaxed, your head empty.

Though the emptiness was disrupted by a dripping sound, at first you thought it was coming from outside. You tried to block it or, when that didn't work, you decided to see if you could follow it.

Searching around your mind, you saw a faint light in the distance and furrowed your brows, unaware that the trio before you were sharing a look of confusion.

"(Y/N)?" Mikasa asked.

But you didn't reply, you couldn't seem to hear them.

The closer you got to the light, the louder the dripping got, and once you were stood outside you found yourself in front of a large doorframe, inside a cage surrounded in darkness.

"The hell...?" You asked to yourself.

Slowly treading inside, you carefully looked around before your eyes landed back on the cage. There were two large gates on it, some sort of paper stuck to them with writing you didn't recognise.

You decided to get closer, standing in front of one of them. They were faded, and ripped, but not fully, though they looked like they couldn't last much longer.

"Took your time to come here." A voice growled.

The cage lit up, and inside sat a large figure, the shape of it you couldn't make out through all the black smoke.

Jumping back, your body slammed into the wall behind you making it laugh.

"You're so scared... so weak..."

"Who are you?"

"Otis, the demon of shadows and destruction."

Otis... you'd heard of him before. He once destroyed whole cities before vanishing into nothing. He craved destruction, power, death. It's what he fed off, he loved it.

"Where am I? What is this place?"

"This is the place your parents decided to trap me." Otis sneered, "Inside is you, a mortal! A human!"

Your eyes widened in shock, you shook your head. No... no it couldn't be right. You knew you had something inside of you, but it couldn't be him... it couldn't be the demon of shadows and destruction.

"Why.. why would they..?" You trialed off.

"So many questions, such a shame I don't feel like talking or answering them."

With that, Otis went quiet, nothing more than swirling shadows inside the cage.

Spinning around, you ran out the room and back the way you came.

Your eyes snapped open, and you took a large breath, eyes scanning above you only to realise you were laid on your back, a pair of steel grey eyes staring down at you.

"What the hell happened?" Levi snapped.

You sat up, looking around you. Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Hanji, Erwin and Levi all stood around you, worry written on their faces.

"Are you alright (Y/N)?" Hanji asked.

"I.. I think so.."

"I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened!" Armin panicked.

"It's okay." You replies gently.

Standing up slowly, your knees were shaky, but you managed to do it, using the stable wall as support.

"What happened?" You asked.

"Arlet aid you were trying to meditate when you just fell backwards unresponsive, mumbling to yourself but no one could make out what." Erwin answered, "do you remember anything?"

You hesitated for s split second before shaking your head.

"No I don't."

Erwin frowned but nodded, seemingly convinced with what you had said and dismissed everyone back inside.

You waited for them all to leave before heading in yourself forgetting that Levi was there with you until his hand grabbed your wrist.

"What do you remember?" He asked.


"You're lying."

"I mean it, nothing."

You snatched your wrist back and glared it him a little, rubbing the sore skin from where he had grabbed it, taking a few steps backwards.

"Fine. I know you're lying to me. I'm not stupid, just make sure whatever that was doesn't happen outside the walls."

"Yes sir..."

With that, Levi stormed off and you let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding until he has out of ear shot.

What the hell did Otis mean your parents did this?

Anchor (Levi x reader) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora