Chapter 17

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Sleep never came to you.

You had been awake all night, the early morning sunlight filtering through your window making you get up with a heavy groan.

Changing into fresh clothes, you quickly left your room and made your way to Levi's office, knowing full well that the man would be up at this time.

Knocking, you opened the door and quickly entered, hoping to avoid anyone that may be walking the halls at this time.

"Sit." He ordered.

Doing as you were told, you quietly took a seat in front of his desk, wiggling under his piercing gaze.

"So, what do you know about this demon?"

"His name is Otis, he's the demon of shadows and destruction. He was seal away inside of me by my father, who sealed part of Otis within himself. I know that whenever I got angry, the reason it was so bad was because my body wasn't just fuelled by me, it was also taking Otis' power, making my anger worse. When I passed out before the expedition, I was talking with Otis for the first time, he agreed to help me control his power just a little, but that was it."

"Have you been practicing?" Levi asked.

"Yes, I can call upon the power whenever I want, but I can't stay in that form for long. Because I've not learnt to control it yet, I'm unstable. Which is why I snapped yesterday... which I'm sorry for..."

Levi nodded his head, writing some things down on a bit of paper.

"For the safely of the others in this building, I will be excluding you from them until you can fully control yourself. Understood?"

"Yes sir." You nodded along.

"If you lose control and can't be brought back or restrained, I will put you down."

You gulped, nodding once more. There was no doubt in your mind that he would do it, because you know he would. It was like if ere lost control he would not hesitate to kill Eren.

"You understand before we go any further into this, I will have to alert Erwin on your... condition."



There was a knock on Levi's door making you jump, he shouted for the person to enter.

Erwin took a seat next to you, giving you a smile. You gave him a weak one back.

"What's the meaning of this meeting Levi? It's early."

"Show him." Levi ordered.

Nodding, you called upon the power, showing Erwin your skin before letting it go, turning away from him ashamed.

Levi explained everything, including everything you had told him and what he had told you.

"I see..." Erwin sighed.

There was a tense silence in the room.

"I have to alert the Military police, we can't take anymore risks like the Eren situation.""

"We don't need to. If she can confirm herself it will be fine."

"And if she can't? I can't take any risks, I'm sorry. I will alert them at once. I'm afraid (Y/N) you'll have to be restrained until they get here."

You didn't reply, you sat there, hands balled into fists in your lap. For the first time in forever, tears leaked out of your eyes.

You thought Levi would be the one to turn you in, not Erwin. You felt betrayed as he left the room.


Levi walked over and leant against the desk in front of you.

"I.. I don't want to go with them.. they'll execute me..."

"Not without a trial they won't."

You scoffed, looking at him through tears eyes.

"They will, I'm not like Eren. I have a demon inside me!"

Levi reached out, flicking your forehead making you reach up to rub the now sore spot.

"Trust me brat, you WILL be getting a trail."

"O... okay..."

Both of you stood there looking at each other as Erwin came back with some soldiers carrying chains.

'Do you wish to flee, or accept your fate?'

You didn't want to reply out loud, so you did so in your head.

'I've ran away for too long now. The secrets out Otis, I have to accept my fate no matter what comes.'

'Smart girl.'

You let them chain you up and lead you away, all the while you stated straight ahead of you. You weren't going to show your fear, you were going to be brave, and show them all

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