Chapter 20

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"(Y/N) (L/N) will go to the scouts!"

There was an uproar, Zackary slammed his hand on the wood, the whole room fell silent.

"I believe she'll be an asset to humanity, but she MUST be able to control herself. Can you ensure she does that commander Erwin?"

"Yes sir, she will undergo training with section leader Levi Ackerman."

"Can you handle both her and the Titan boy?" Zackary asked.

"Yes sir, if she becomes too much, I will dispose of her."

Zackary nodded, and everyone was dismissed.

Erwin bent down and picked you up, carrying you out of the room, taking you to another small room in the courthouse and laid you down on the couch, covering your body with his jacket.

"Will she be okay sir?" Eren asked.

"I honestly cannot say. We'll just have to wait and see."

Everyone nodded, filtering out of the room leaving it just Erwin and Levi.

"I'm shocked I couldn't calm her down, usually I can. How did you do it?"

"I don't know." Lev shrugged.

"I think it's best if you work with her, who knows when we'll have to calm her down again."

"Tsk. Whatever."

Levi stormed out leaving Erwin in there with you.

It was hours before you woke up, the last rays of sunlight filtering through the window. You stirred and sat up, rubbing your head lightly.

"My head hurts."

'It's what happens when you lose control.'

"L... lose... control..."

Your eyes widened and you stared at your hands.

"I... I lost... control..."

"Damn right you did. Your lucky we could bring you back."

You jumped, eyes darting towards the voice to see Levi stood against a wall. You sat up, and he took a seat next to you.

"What.. happened..?"

"You were handed over the scouts, you'll be under my watch and I have to make sure you control yourself."

You nodded your head as he spoke, you stayed quiet.

"Oi look at me."

Turning your head to Levi, just as you faced him he flicked your forehead making you yelp and pout.

"The hell was that for?!"

"Loosing control idiot. You could've been killed."

Your face heated up and you quickly looked away. Why the hell was he so worried?

"Erwin wants to speak with you, he'll be in soon."

"O... okay..."

Levi got up to leave, his hand reached for the door.

"Levi sir?"


"Thank you."

"Tsk. Whatever."

He left and you laughed softly to yourself. Heading to the window, you crossed your arms across your chest as you watched the final light leave.

"What brought me back Otis?"

'Your anchor.'

"My anchor..."

There was a knock on the door, and it opened and closed.

Turning around, you faced Erwin and he smiled softly. He quickly walked over, bringing you into a hug, his head on your chin.

"I'm so glad you're safe." He whispered.

"This was your fault..."

"I had faith we'd get you, I just didn't expect you to lose control."

You pushed Erwin back and gazed up into his eyes.

"Who brought me back Erwin? Who calmed me down, because I know it wasn't you."

"You don't remember?"

You shook your head, Erwin lead you over to the couch and sat out down on it while he sat on the table in front of you.

"You had those marks on your face, you broke free of the chains holding you. The MPs tried to shoot you but we were given a chance to clam you down. I tried, but you weren't responding to me, it was Levi that somehow managed to clam you. He sat you down and got you to calm down within a few moments."

Your heart froze.

Levi calmed you down? Levi was the one that brought you back...?

That's made Levi your.. anchor...

Anchor (Levi x reader) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें