Chaper 14

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Standing before Otis, you stared into his yellow eyes as you waited.

"This will be hard, and more than likely dangerous. If you lose control I may be able to take over your body." He smirked.

"Then I'll just have to train harder."

"So be it, you have been warned."

Otis reaches his hand out the bars, wiggling his fingers for you to some closer.

"Put your hand in mine."

Slowly walking over, you reached out, but brought your hand for a second, giving yourself a moment to decide fully before placing your hand gently in his.

A rush of power shot through you, your veins going red at the sensation, pale black patterned lines showing on your arms.

"You've felt this before, correct?"

"Yeah.. I have.. when I get angry."

"This is the power that your body was subconsciously drawing. Think of it like a glass, if you don't have enough water, you fill it. That's what your body was doing, it didn't have enough strength, so it drew from mine. Most would call it energy."

"Then when I black out with anger does that mean I've taken too much?"

"Yes, it means that body as taken more than it can handle, but not enough to enter one of the three stages."

Otis let your hand go, the power drained from your body and the marks on your skin faded.

"The three stages?" You asked.

"Ah, Yes. You see, there were groups of people who would seek out and trap demons such as myself inside their bodies. By doing this, they could enter three different stages using the power."

Otis paused for a moment.

"Stage one can be entered with a bit of training, it's what you've just been in. You feel a rush of power, and the lines, or guides, is what directs the power into your body. It allows you to be stronger. "

"What about the other two?"

"Stage two can be entered by either working with your demon, or extensive training. You have the same guides on your skin, except they also appear in your face. This allows your senses to be better, and your body stronger. Stage three, they called this god mode, you can only enter this stage by setting the demon free, and having its trust. It lends you pretty much all it's power, the pair of you work as one. With this stage your eyes turn yellow, the tips of your nails talons, and you are able to use that demons abilities."

"So, how can I willingly enter stage one? Would it help be keep my temper in check?"

"Yes, once you've mastered stage one you can control your temper better. Though if you get extremely angry, it will come out on its own, stage two can happen on its own as well. If you don't regain your anger, and you let it control you, the seals will snap. Many people have their anchor, something they chose to hold on to, something to keep them grounded. This thing, or person, is what brings them out of this stage, calms them. Though, you never know what it is until you lose control."

"Well, that's stupid."

Otis chuckled at you.

"Indeed it is. Now, sit down.'

Doing as he said, you sat down, waiting for your next set of instructions.

"Search within yourself for the feel of my power."

You furrowed your brows, and sat there for a moment, nothing seemed to be happening until you felt something bubbling up inside of you, it felt uneasy, dark.

"Good, now, let some of it run through your body."

Your heart pounded in your chest, if you weren't careful this could go horribly wrong. Your mind was screaming at you to stop, but you didn't want to. You felt like you had to do this, you needed to.

Slowly letting the power seep through you, you could feel it enter your body, the guides appearing on your skin, they kept getting darker and darker until they were black, and the power seemed to cut off.


"Why did it cut off Otis?"

"Because that all the power I freely offer to you. That's the power I can't control, it technically belongs to you."

"I see."

Standing up, you begun to pace in the room. You felt restless, you felt like you could fight for hours.

"That's all I shall help you with child. Remember, now you've entered this stage, until you control it you will be angry easier."

With that, your eyes snapped open, and you were sat in your room again.

Gazing down at you arms, you stared at the black lines covering them, but just as quickly as they were there, they were gone again leaving you drained

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