Chapter 12

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Slowly heading inside, you went straight to your room, making sure the door was closed behind you, you sat on your bed and closed your eyes.

You were quicker and entering your mind this time, running towards the room, you skidded in and walked over to the bars.


The demon sighed, his smoky form appearing before you, this time his yellow eyes bore into yours.

"Why are you back?"

"Why did my parents trap you in me?"

Rolling his eyes, Otis paced a little bit.

"Your parents were trying to keep everyone safe. By trapping me in here, behind these seals, they knew I wouldn't be able to get out. Your father trapped half on myself in him, and half of me in you. When he died, he took that half with him."

You furrowed your brows, Why would you rather do that? What was the point in trapping half the demon in two different bodies.

As if he read you mind, Otis chuckled lightly.

"Because, he trapped the worse half of myself wishing himself. By trapping me in two vessels, it's impossible for me to break out of one, I need my full strength or the vessel itself has to free me."

"So, unless I let you out, you can't come out." You noted.

"Indeed, but that doesn't mean I'm fully trapped. My power can still leak through, that's how your anger becomes worse. Your anger feeds of my power."


Sitting down on the floor, you watched the demon. He seemed to copy you, sitting on the floor behind the bars.

"Why are you helping me? You didn't want to earlier."

"I've grown bored in here, and there was too many people watching."

You nodded, that was true if you both kept talking it would've made things worse. Levi was already suspicious as it was, if you carried on talking with Otis, he wouldn't have definitely figured something out.

"Alright. Thank you."

Otis' eyes widened a little before returning to their normal state.

"Why are you thanking me?"

"For answering my questions, you didn't have to."

"You would have just kept trying. I've been in here long enough to know how stubborn you are child."

You laughed, rubbing the back of your head sheepishly.

"I suppose I am stubborn as hell."

Otis hummed, the black smoke of his form dimming a little show show an outline of an almost human like figure.

"Someone is coming."

"Shit! I've got to go!"

Jumping up, you started to run towards the exit.

"You can harness the power you draw from me when you're angry."

You wanted to ask him more, but you couldn't, you ran out of your mind and snapped your eyes open just as the door to your room opened.

Erwin stepped in and closed the door quietly behind him.

"May we talk?" He asked.

"Sure old man."

Shuffling up on your bed, you let him sit next to you and cocked your head to the side a little.

"What's up?"

"I'd like to withdraw you from this expedition. I'm aware you've been calm, but today has worried me that something like that might happen beyond the walls."

"It won't!"

"I don't want to take any risks."

"Erwin please, I don't want to miss the expedition."

"And I don't want you to pass out and get hurt or worse (Y/N)." He sighed, "when we came back, you'll have a month. If it doesn't happen within that month, you may come on the next one."

"That's not fair!"

Erwin shook his head.

"It has to be done."

Growling, you dug your nails into your leg, feeling the familiar power of Otis seeping through the cracks.

"Fine. I'll stay here."

"Thank you, I'm sorry."

You said nothing, Erwin sighed and ruffled your hair before he got up to leave.

As he was going You glared at his back, this wasn't fair. Why did you have to stay behind.

'Use the time well.'

You stopped thinking for a moment. Use the time well Otis told you, well in what way? To rest? To learn more about your past? To train? To try harness his power?

Maybe you could do all of it, you could rest, learn about your past, train and harness his power

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