Chapter 32

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Ori smirked, punching you back to the ground, blood poured from your nose.

"I'll deal with you in a minute, first, allow me to greet our guests."

Your heart stopped as he vanished, slowly standing back up, you watched Ori appear in front of the survey corpse.

"Otis!" You yelled.

Your eyes shone brighter, the guides grew darker. Shadows bubbles up around you, and in the blink on an eye you were standing before Ori, his fist trapped in your hand just centimetres from Levi's face.

"Damn child!" He roared.

"Not quite." You smirked, your voice was distorted and deeper.

A flash of lightening lit up the space around you all, and everyone saw it. The figure in front of hem flash, your form melting to reveal another, a Male before it went back to you.

"Otis, how lovely of you to join us." Ori cheered.

"Couldn't miss the party."

With that, you, or well, both you and Otis bend Oris hand back, snapping it. He fell to the ground with a cry of pain, you placed your foot on his chest and booted him, sending him flying backwards.

Rolling your shoulders, you cracked your neck and started to walk forward, not before casting a look behind you, bright yellow eyes meeting everyone's before you went back to what you were doing.

You took your time getting to Ori, taking a slow walk to where he was now stood. He lunged at you, fist connected to our stomach making you double over slightly.

He went to kick your head, but your arm stopped him. He went to punch you, but you blocked him.

Again punch, block, kick, block. It was like a never ending dance, you on the defence again, this time waiting for the right time to strike.

You saw it, an open spot on his side.

When Ori lunged again, you ducked down, placing your hands on the ground, you lifted yourself into a handstand, twirling around, your foot connected with Oris side sending him flying.

This time you didn't give him a chance to stand back up, you sat atop of him, hitting him over and over again.

Blood poured from his wounds, and you finally stood up. Placing your foot on the other demons chest with a scowl.

"Otis, do it, now."

"Of course."

You let Otis control your body, his hand coming down to Oris face, before trailing down to his stomach.

Then his hand went through the skin, Ori screamed and thrashed, trying to get you off him, but it didn't work.

Otis pulled his hand back, pulling a stream of black shadows with him.

The figure thrashed before taking form, he looked exactly like Otis, except he had white hair, not black.

"You damn bastard! We could have had it all!" He wailed.

"I couldn't care less, I've grown tired of destroying everything."

"It's who you are!"

"It's who YOU are, not me."

With your other hand, Otis lifted it to press against Oris chest, a small smirk on your lips.
"Now, it's time for you to go home, don't you think brother? We're no longer one person, we've been separated, and you need to return to hell."

As Otis spoke, a light emitted from around Ori, and with one final shout that he was going to be back, he vanished, leaving nothing but wisps of smoke.

"I'll let you take control now."

Otis took a step back, and he smiled softly at you. With a weak high five, you stepped up and opened your eyes back to their normal (E/C).

You turnt to the body that Ori has possessed, it had dissolved to nothing but dust, and you quickly looked away.

Making your way out he village, you never made it more than a few steps before your legs gave in on you.

You were tired, aching, bleeding and bruised. Your hands landed on the dirt and you slowly laid yourself down, with a groan you flipped over so you were on your back, the rain had just begun to fall, clearing the blood and dirt from your face.


The pounding of feet came closer, people surrounded you, but you didn't speak to them. It was when a certain steel grey eyed, and a certain soft blue eyed pair of men appeared in front of you did you smiled weakly.

"Did.. I do good...?" You gasped out.

The pain was starting to take a hold. You never had enough time to heal all your wounds, so god knows how much damage there actually was.

"You were wonderful." Erwin smiled, "now just hang on until we can get you back."

Someone tried to move you causing you to scream in pain.

"I'm so sorry!" Armin yelled tears in his eyes.

Levi walked around so he was stood by your head and knelt down, he titled his head down to look at you, his fair fell over his face but his eyes pierced yours.

"It's going to hurt a damn lot, but we've got to do what we need to do. Got that?"

You nodded meekly.


Levi brought his fingers to your head and gently flicked it.

"You did good. Now, you better not die on us or I swear I'll kill you."

A smile tugged its way on to your lips at that remark, your eyes slipped shut, body not able to handle the pain anymore

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