Chapter 18

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Though out that whole ordeal, you remained silent, and now you sat in a cell, chains all over your body. They chained your wrists up with three chains, and your legs up with two.

Sitting on your bed, legs crossed, your eyes were closed as you sat inside your mind with Otis.

"What will you do with yourself?"

"I'm not sure, I don't know how long I have to wait."

"If your sentenced to death, what will you do then?"

"I suppose there's either two ways it can go. I either accept my death, and you'll die with me. Or with your help I escape and go into hiding."

Otis laughed, sitting on the floor just behind the bars next to you.

"What will you chose?"

"I'll have to wait and see how it goes."

Otis hummed, and you leant against the bars.

"You've got company child."

"Who is it?"

"The one that tossed you in here and the one that tried to help you."

You stayed there for a moment, waiting.

"I can you can hear me (Y/N)." Erwin's voice came through.

You stayed where you were, choosing to ignore the man. You didn't want to speak with or see him.

"Please, I just wish to talk, that's all."

Again you ignored him, staying in your own mind with Otis.

You heard a sigh, and footsteps retreating, but you could still sense the other presence.

"Oi, brat. Get out here now."

Opening your eyes, you gazed at Levi with an empty expression.

"So you can hear me."

"Yes, I could hear you both."

"Interesting. We came to speak about what will happen next, you've been scheduled for a trail in two days."

"I don't care."

Levi rose a brow.

"Is that so."

"I know I'll be set to death anyways. Everyone's scared of me, and I don't blame them. In a way, you could say I'm more dangerous then Eren."

"Have faith in your friends, in Erwin. They'll do everything in their power to get you surrendered to the survey corpse."

You stayed silent and Levi stood there, he went to walk away when you voice cut through the silence.

"Levi sir, please take care of Erwin."

"You'll be able to do that once you're free."

With that, he left, leaving you alone once more.

You went back into your mind and stayed there, people came by to talk to you, but you ignored them. Erwin came by every day, and you ignored him as well.

Time passed quickly until it was the day of your trail, and Hanji stood there with a smile on her face.

"Well, the time has come. I really do hope you live, I'd love to do some experiments on you."

She was met with silence and her smile fell.

"Stand back, we need to prepare her."

The doors opened, and you chained were placed, you were roughly pushed up. Opening your eyes, you mindlessly followed the MPs where lead you up to the court house.

The doors opens revealing large stands, and loads of people, all who went silent.

"Hurry up!" The MP hissed.

Something was slammed into your back forcing you to stumble a few steps but you carried on walking until you were in the middle of the room, then you sat on you legs while a large bar was placed between you and your chains.

You didn't dare look around, your eyes were glued to the podium where your judge, either killed or saviour sat.

Zackary, the one did Erens trial, was the same one doing yours.

Your eyes bore into his, then you blinked and glanced down.

"Let the trial begin!"

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