Chapter 22

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"You Mother Fucking Piece of Shit!!!!" Jimin yelled before he threw another punch to Yoongi's head. "He is Mine First you Asshole!"

Yoongi called us for a meeting this morning to tell us about last night. So here we are at 5 bloody am in the park with bats still seen in the sky filling their bellies before the sun wakes up the rest of the world.

Jimin held himself from pouncing on Yoongi the moment he said he almost had him. However the second Yoongi finished saying Jungkook left after breaking their friendship is when Jimin let go.

Honestly Yoongi is an idiot for going against the agreement. He is also an idiot for how he handled things last night.

If it was me I would of called Rose to come and calm the situation. She would of definitely settled things. Hell I could of even got Kookie jealous if I started making out with her as we laid beside him.

Sure she would be hesitant at first but I have no doubt in my mind I would be able to persuade her. The only thing I can think of that would stop her is her worry for his black eye.

Though I do agree with Yoongi about getting Jungkook out of that situation. We've all grew up in this small woodsy town and everyone has gotten banged up. However it was always harder for me to see when Kookie got hurt.

Sure my dad wants perfection from me as well but he never put his hands me. Jungkook didn't deserve that.

Jungkook is my eyes.

Perfect laugh.

Perfect smile.

Perfect body.

"Okay Jimin enough! What's done is done." They all turned to look at me. Jimin was breathing heavily and Namjoon was helping Yoongi up as he wiped his bleeding lip.

"But hyung because of him Jungkook will never trust us again!" Jimin yelled as he pointed towards Yoongi.

"No he will never trust Yoongi again. Don't worry we will all get our shot we just have to do this smart." I smirked as so many possibilities came to my head.

"What are you saying I don't get him now?" Yoongi basically growled at me.

"Of course not but since you tried to skip someone's turn then you are at the back of the line."

"Hyung what are we going to do?" Tae asked me with an almost hopeless lost look.

"I'll tell you later. For now head home get ready for school. No one try and pick him up, don't call or text him. Don't even look at him in school." I ordered before I turned away and headed towards my car.

I have my older brothers old car it was our fathers before him. I have 3 older brothers. The oldest 2 are twins out of college and are learning our dad's business. My other older brother lives abroad finishing his last year at Tufts University for Biology.

Sure my family is well off but I'm used to hammy downs. Sure I'm the oldest of my friends but I have no issues with waiting for my turn. Jungkook is worth the wait.

I waited two years to finally get this car handed to me I can definitely wait till Jungkook is underneath me.....where he belongs.


"And I know." Right now my parents are trying to be quiet and whisper but it's a small house and sounds travel.

Jungkook just finished telling them about what's really been happening about the past few nights. His father is not only an abusive ass but also a creepy guy. If I knew how uncomfortable Jungkook was being in the same house as that man I would of talked to my folks sooner.

"Okay Jungkook."
"Okay Baby."

My folks spoke in unison as they returned to our small kitchen table. Jungkook was sitting beside me and he wouldn't let my hand go. I knew he was nervous but I just found it adorable.

"We talked it over and we definitely can't have you go back to that house." My mom started.

"Now if my memory serves me right you are 18 correct?"

"Yes sir." My dad leaned over and ruffled his head after he basically squeaked a yes.

"Please call me dad....especially since you and my son are dating now anyway you're family!" I turned with a bright smile at Jungkook but he only quickly hid his blushing face in my chest. "Okay now that it's settled I'm going to go and kick that guys ass."

"Yun! No! Stay!" My mom yelled after my father who quickly headed for the door. I just zoned out their words I knew she would get him to stay so I wasn't worried.

"Is it really okay that I stay?"

"Kookie? Look at me....please?" Jungkook looked up and his cheeks were still red from blushing. "You're safe now okay? My parents and I won't let anything happen to you."

"I'm only a few houses down it's not like I'm hiding though. What if-"

I know it's wrong to interrupt someone but I couldn't let him worry anymore. I connected our lips and I felt him instantly relax and kiss back. Sure I don't like seeing him stressed but I definitely do not mind kissing him every time to help.

"Okay house rules!" Jungkook immediately pulled away at the sound of my fathers voice coming back into the kitchen. "Okay now since it's very clear that you guys are indeed something which I completely support. Now I know I don't have to worry about a pregnancy but there is still safe sex."

"Dad!" Oh god you could still be blind and still sense the embarrassment coming off of Jungkook's face.

"No butts Jaebum. I'm not saying either of you have anything I'm just saying be smart and safe about it."

"He's right dear. Also just to add this in there. Even if Baby was a girl we would be saying the same thing."

"We are both virgins okay!" Jungkook looked at me shocked. I just gave him a firm but small smile before I leaned over and kissed his forehead. "Jungkook if you still want me to get tested I will but it's between us not my parents."

"No harm right?"

"Okay now the sleeping arrangements."

"It's okay I can sleep on the couch."

"Oh no you won't." My mother continued with her index finger pointed towards the ceiling. "You can have Jace's old bed. Now it's okay if you want to cuddle and stuff as long as it's not every night."

"Mom please we aren't even official yet!"

"And why not?" My dad asked as he poured himself a cup of black coffee trying to start getting ready for work.

"We haven't had our first date yet." Jungkook answered shyly which instantly made me smile. "It's this Saturday....I hope that's okay."

"Awwww Baby of course it's okay! Now Jaebum I've missed this boy don't do anything to mess it up." Of course I was annoyed but my mood instantly lifted as the sound of Jungkook giggling filled my ears.

"He won't." Kookie smiled so adorably at me I swear I just melted.

How can someone be this perfect?

Perfect laugh.

Perfect smile.

His caring heart just everything he is.

Just pure perfection.

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