Chapter 38

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It's been 2 weeks since Jin made it clear to the others that I was to not be touched till my ribs were completely better. I was relieved but still terrified.

Tomorrow I have my doctors appointment to get my ribs and arm looked at. I needed the all clear from my doctor before the others were allowed to hold me. They have all kissed me multiple times but it was no more than a peck.

I know I'm going to get the all clear and I have a feeling that even my pink cast will be removed. I haven't felt any pain in the last week.

In school Jaebum and I still lock eyes when we pass each other in the hall but it always ends quickly because one or all of the guys are around me. Chen has made many attempts to talk to me but I just keep my head down not opening my mouth to respond.

This is one of my morning classes where I'm in a class with Chen and Jaebum. This has been my hardest period to get through ever since I broke up with him.

I have so many thoughts runny through my head but one thing is clear.

I need Jaebum.

I tore a small page out of my notebook and wrote very clearly a note. I folded it up into a tiny triangle before I raised my hand.

"Yes Jungkook?" Our teacher asked me stopping his little lecture.

"May I use the restroom please?"

"Of course. Just grab one of the hall passes." I smiled standing up and purposely walked by Jaebum's desk to casually drop the note in front of him. Grabbing the hall pass I headed for the door giving Jaebum a quick glance smiling as he was unfolding my note.

Just as I said in the note he waited 7 minutes before he came and asked to use the restroom himself. My heart was pounding as the butterflies in my chest wouldn't stop fluttering as Jaebum walked closer to me.

I took steps backwards into the stall and he followed closing and locking the stall behind him.

"Hyung I-"

"I'm not an idiot Kookie." His hand came up to cup my face. Brown eyes burrowing into my soul. " I know you chose them so they wouldn't hurt me again. Yet seeing you with them just hurts me so much more."

A warm thumb wiped my salty tear away as I leaned into his touch. "I'm sorry. Just the thought of them hurting you again terrified me."

"Thank you." I looked up at him confused only getting a small chuckle in return. "With me missing you all this time I was able to realize how much I love you."

If I was an ice cube I would be a puddle on the floor. My face and body are burning hot right now.

"I...... I Love You Too." Once I was able to finally say it I couldn't help but jump onto Jaebum. His hand quickly holding me up by my thighs. I was quickly spun around as now my back was against the bathroom stall.

A moan excitingly left my lips as I could feel our members in the perfect position to rub against one another. Jaebum pulled away to kiss my neck making me melt as I felt his warm tongue trace my skin.

Biting my bottom lip to keep in my sinful sounds having to remember we are still in school during school hours. Remembering that I also have crazy 6 possessive guys who would probably kill us both if they knew what was happening.

"Kookie we should stop...I don't want to hurt your ribs." Wow...I truly do love this guy.

"My ribs are healed they haven't been in pain in a while now. Please don't stop. I......I ..want you to be my first." That was all I had to say to get the fire burning inside of him again.

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