Chapter 42

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"Oh my god Kookie!" I was immediately pulled into Jackson's arms. I hugged back just as tight.

It was raining and my clothes were drenched every cell in my body was freezing.

Jackson led me to his couch basically running to grab me blankets and to get his fire place started. He ran upstairs and before I knew it he was helping me change out of my soaked clothes. Stopping though as he saw the healing letters.

"I'm going to kill them."

"Don't.....they aren't the ones that held the knife." Jackson pulled down his clean dry shirt and it smelt like him. Just being in his drawer his clothes smell like him.


I can finally breathe.

Jackson had his arm around me as I sipped some chicken noodle soup. He gave me a soda on the side as well but I didn't want to drink it. It was Sprite and really the only reason any of us had Sprite in our homes is because it's Hobi's favorite drink.

Kai and Sehun were sitting across from us in their chairs. The room was silent and I didn't want to speak. The last thing I said was don't tell Jaebum. They were confused but respected my wishes anyway.

"I gave them what they wanted." I felt the air in the room get thicker and they all seemed more tense. I took a deep breath in trying not to cry. "After Tim....r .....after he left. Taehyung and I had a fight. To hopefully end it I....I offered myself to them." I placed my cup down on the little table pulling the warm blanket up to my shoulders and leaning into Jackson hyung's chest. "I said they can have one full week no interruptions just us. I requested alcohol and drugs. For the past 7 days...I just let them do what they wanted. I was so high on things I might as well of been a doll."

There are parts I remember and parts I don't it was all very fuzzy. I don't think I left that bed until today. When I woke up this morning I was naked my body was covered in everything. Under one of my whiskey bottles on the table there was a folded note.

Dear Kookie,

Thank you for letting us have you. We were fools to think we could treat you the way we did and things would go back to how they were. We have done horrible things to you for years things that you never deserved.

You gave us your heart we gave you less than friendship in return. I'm sorry we don't love you, I'm more sorry that we just love the idea of you.

We went to far.

We have decided to not return to school you deserve better than seeing us everyday. Tim will also not be returning as we turned in proof that he has been abusing you for years.

We don't expect you to forgive us we just hope you can forget someday. Jin Hyung told his father we don't want the house. Jimin told his dad you guys broke up.

If Jaebum is who you want then we won't even interfere again. You deserve happiness.

We wish you a happy future Bunny.

Sincerely your Ex Hyungs

"C-can I stay here a few days?"

"Of course." Jackson said side hugging me again.

"Kookie....I'm so sorry. We didn't know what to do."

"Kai hyung it's okay I don't blame any of you. Please don't cry."

"So what do you want to do?" Sehun asked trying to move passed all the sadness.

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