Chapter 23

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After Jaebum's mom and dad left for work it was our turn to go to school. Jaebum once again gave me some of his old clothes that was being saved for donation.

I feel bad that I have to borrow clothes that are meant to help others in need but I can't help but get butterflies knowing I'm in Jaebum hyung's clothes. Clothes I remember seeing him in and thinking he looked so cool in them.

Jaebum and I decided to walk to school since we didn't want to take the risk of me getting caught getting my bike by my father. I didn't mind though Jaebum and I just talked about old times.

Even though we weren't official Jaebum and I acted like we were. Our hands stayed connected as we walked to school along with walking in the halls. When my hand wasn't in his that just meant his hand was on my waist as I was leaning against him.

Jaebum pulled me closer as we saw Yoongi walking in the halls. We made eye contact for a millisecond as he passed us but made no attempts to talk to me.

Not even an apology?


Why does it hurt so much to see him just walk away?

Am I still upset with him? Of course.....but was I hoping for an attempt to try and save our friendship? Honestly yes. I want to know that all those years I wasn't just nobody to them. I want to know that even though they messed up that they still care enough to apologize to mend what is broken.

The whole day went by with all of my hyungs ignoring my existence. Kai, Jackson, and Sehun gave me hugs as always but not the others and it upset me I'm not going to lie.

I know I did nothing wrong and I deserve better but I still can't help but miss how things used to be. Way before I came out to them, way before Yoongi took my first kiss. We were inseparable.

Why am I missing that?



The last class of the day was weirder than yesterday. It wasn't me avoiding everyone it was the other way around. During the whole class I kept taking glances at my old friends only to quickly turn away every time one of them moved.

Jaebum and I were going to walk home together but he had to go and help Matt with something. I of course am waiting for him so we can walk together not to mention he has the key to his house.

I sat on an empty bench outside the school facing the parking lot. The grass and lot was filled with a lot of students still chatting with friends before they departed towards their homes.

It was beautiful outside as a gently breeze swept through my hair. The sun was very bright as it shined on my white papers below my hand. I thought I might as well start some homework while I wait for him.

A sigh left my lips as a person's shadow completely blocked my light while they stood in front of me.

"Can I help you?" I asked not even looking up at the person.

"Yeah actually." I know it's silly to be afraid of people but for some reason most of the under class man just don't like me. I looked up to see a junior named Tim. Now Tim used to be in our grade but was held back in 7th grade. Even then though he never liked me.

Last I saw him was last year a few hours before I left for my flight to the states. Just like Jaebum; Tim always came by to see me when no one else was around. The only difference is Jaebum was my ass that I loved to see. Tim is a pain in my ass that just loves to see me sad.

"Love the shiner. So what hyung gave it to you? Did you not suck his cock how he liked it or something?"

Oh yes and today I've been getting so many unwanted stares and looks because of my eye. Since I stayed at Jaebum's last night I wasn't able to go home and get my concealer for my stupid bruised eye.

"Or do you have a pain kink?" Before when he spoke I just kept staring at my shadowed paper but now I couldn't look away with him as I glared. "That's it huh? You like getting it rough as you Slut yourself around. Honestly if I was into dudes I'd probably fuck you too but only because you are so easy."

I couldn't speak as he mocked me. I've known him since the first grade and even then I was never really able to stand my ground against him. He is actually a few weeks older than Jin hyung and he was so humiliated when everyone found out he had to stay back.

I don't have sympathy for him though. He never studied nor cared. Actually Namjoon hyung would of failed that year too but because I helped him study he was able to pass. Namjoon hyung actually rubbed that fact in Tim's face and I think it just helped him hate me more.

"So between much persuasion would you need to have my dick in you?" God I hate his smirk. His stupid arrogant smirk that just made my skin crawl. I know he won't touch me but just thinking of a universe where he is gay makes my skin crawl.

My eyes shut instantly as I flinched feeling his hand on my cheek. Yes I hate him with everything in me but I'm also terrified of him. My hyungs know Tim just as I do but they don't know how he treats me when they aren't around. I never told them about how violent our old classmate actually is.

I didn't mean to, I hate showing him how scared I am of him but my eyes betrayed me as a tear slid down my cheek only to touch his skin as well.

"Who knows maybe next time I catch you alone I might just find a new activity for us to do together." Tim chuckled after he pulled his hand away and walked off.

I just sat there frozen unable to move.

Tim is straight.

I know he is because almost every time I'm getting hurt he is kicking me or punching me calling me a fag. This is way before I came out. Actually about 2 years before I even came out to my hyungs.

"Sorry about that! Are you ready?" I was quick to turn my attention to Jaebum who came running out of the school with his backpack over his shoulder.

I pushed Tim's words out of my head as I got up putting all the papers in my bag so we could walk together.

I interlocked our hands and we made our way back to his.....our home.

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