Chapter 5

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Lunchtime my favorite time. My time to eat and talk with my friends.

"Hey Oppa." I smiled as I wrapped my arm around Rose's waist who just came out of her classroom.

"Hey babe."

Rose and I have been on and off for years it started off with stupid young puppy love. We know we aren't going to be together after we graduate but we still want to fool around till then.

We always dated in secret but we talked over the summer about actually having it be public since we were seniors now. I agreed especially since Kookie was in America.

Rose is the only person that knows I'm bisexual she is fine with it as long as I don't hurt Jungkook. I was shocked to say the least that she figured out who I liked. She just said it was obvious with how much skin ship I gave him.

Once it was clear that she was fine with me I would keep bringing up the idea of a threesome. She would just laugh it off not knowing how much I loved the idea of both of them under me.

Honestly Rose is such a dominant girl and Jungkook is such an innocent submissive person it would be the perfect mesh of people.

Of course I didn't like the fact that she said I would hurt Jungkook. He is my best friend. The only way I see myself hurting him is if he wanted it rough and we didn't use lube.

"Kookie is going to show me some pictures that he took of America. Honestly I can't wait most families go to Disney World or California. Jungkook is lucky he got to see the White Mountains in New England."

They must have a class together. I'm glad Kookie wasn't alone I hated that he wasn't in every one of my classes.

"Yeah he"ll have to show them to me too."

"But didn't he-?...oh right you guys didn't talk much over the summer huh?"

"Nope....he didn't talk to any of us really." I felt myself getting angry at that statement that I said. It's a fact Our Jungkook barely spoke to us and that is not acceptable.

"Oppa....." I looked down at Rose guilt washed over me as I saw she was in pain. I released my hand finally realizing I was squeezing her waist tightly. "Thanks....want to talk about it?"

Honestly this is why Rose will always be in my heart she is able to read me like a book.

"Not now....but later okay? Let's have lunch." I kissed the top of her forehead before I grabbed her hand and led us to the cafeteria line.

"Hey Rose, Sup Jin."

"It's Hyung to you shorty." I couldn't help but roll my eyes as Rose laughed beside me.

"Dude we are the same height who are you calling short?"

"Taehyung is right babe he is not short."

"Thank you Sweetie." Taehyung put his arm over Rose's shoulder pulling her close to him. Rose let my hand go so she could wrap her arms around Taehyung. She turned looking at me as she smirked to match Taehyung's smirk.

Fine they want to tease me I'm fine with it. My eyes scanned the cafeteria until I found my target.

I silently walked behind him, snaking my arms around his waist and link them in front of his tummy. Bending my back to gently place my head on his shoulder before I leaned in and gave him a kiss on his delicate neck.

Jungkook froze at first he wasn't expecting this when he was talking to Jackson and Sehun who he was waiting in line with.

"H-hyung?" He whispered out once I kissed his neck. Fuck I love how soft his voice is.

"Hey Baby did you miss me?" I looked up at Sehun and Jackson showing them a smug smirk. They see us as using him we don't see it that way.

If Jungwook didn't want this then he would of stopped this a long time ago.

"Ah....s-sure...w-where's Rose?"

"Hugging Taehyung." I kissed his neck again. His breathing was going up god he was so sexy and sensitive.

"Um....h-hyung?" I just hummed in his ear as I saw them getting red. "C-can y-you let g-go....please?"


He is asking me? His eldest hyung to let him go.

I did what he asked but there was no way I could hide my disappointment. Jungkook turned around and his eyes got wide as our eyes locked.

Jungkook then ran into my chest hugging me. I didn't hug back. This is not how we trained him to act.

"I'm sorry Hyung...please don't be mad at me. I'm... I'm just going through some stuff right now. Please....please. It's okay to touch me I...I won't say no again.

Good Boy.

I finally put my arms around him with a satisfied smirk on my face. I looked to Jackson and Sehun both had their arms crossed as they slowly shook their heads in disgust.

I don't care I'm just glad that Jungkook still subconsciously reacts the way we want him to. Gosh I'm so glad to have him back.

Lunch went by way to quickly especially since Jungkook left early to go practice with Mira. Rose ate lunch with her girlfriends who most of us have hooked up with.

Honestly it's a small town most of us especially the senior class has hooked up with each other at some point. Sometimes people get jealous but for the most part it's just mutual understanding.

Very few people get Slut shamed since well we've known them forever. Sadly the one that gets the most rumors spread about them is a Virgin.

Jungkook the slut to lower class men but the innocent Virgin to us the now Seniors. Of course me and the guys planned on taking his v card last year but horrible events occurred resulting in him still being untouched.

We talked a lot over the summer with who would be the one to actually be with him for his first time. Since Yoongi got his first Kiss he was out. Same with Namjoon giving him his first hickey. That left us 4 to basically fight for it.

I tried using well I'm the oldest so it should be me but no they wouldn't have it. Hobi suggested a dance competition Jimin was down for it but Tae and I strongly disagreed. Jimin then suggested Rock Paper Scissors which we all agreed on. Jimin one anyway after beating me by covering my fisted rock with his papered hand.

I honestly hate that he one but at least I can go second. Of course Rose doesn't know about this she would be very disappointed in all of us. Giving us the same look as Sehun, Kai, and Jackson. That is something I definitely don't want.

"Guys I'm serious we need to relax. I'm glad to have him back too but we can't just do what we did last year. Jungkook is still processing his moms death. He is forced to live with a stranger. He was also away from us for the first time since we met. Things are not the same and we can't act like they are. If we push him he will walk away." Namjoon spoke low with furrowed eyebrows. He was angry and you didn't have to be a genius to know that.

"Okay got it." Jimin agreed as he nodded his head.

"I understand what you are saying....but."

"No Buts Yoongi Hyung I don't want to lose what we have with him because his hyungs are possessive hornballs."

"Hobi we are possessive hornballs." I spoke back with a smirk on my face only to get a glare from Namjoon in return. "Okay fine fine.....but if he does something I don't like I will teach him again who's really in control."

I was serious at this point. Sure Jungkook can have his moment but as long as all our hard work doesn't go to waste.

Jungkook is Ours.

He better not forget that.

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