Chapter 34

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I'm going to Kill Yoongi hyung for letting our Bunny wear that in such a public place.

Jin hyung made it very clear that we would all give Kookie basically a clean slate. Of course I'm happy to hear that especially after knowing what Yoongi hyung texted us last night.

His mom was murdered then he was taken away from us by an abusive father. It's a lot to handle of course he was distant. Then he started to reconnect with an old friend which of course sucks but whatever.

Them being so close and all lovey dovey is what is a big no no. Sure I can't be that forward in school or in public it would ruin my whole reputation but I do what I can. Hell once Kookie came back I made out with him in the middle of a very public hallway. That was huge.

"Honestly h-hyungs you can just pick stuff out for you." Kookie spoke with his head down standing beside Yoongi hyung.

It was Hobi hyung's idea to take Kookie to the mall and give him a fun distracting day. We all haven't been to the mall in forever. It was honestly such a great idea. Kookie absolutely loved the mall before.

"Nonsense this is your day! So where do you want to start Bunny?" I smiled walking to him throwing my arm around his waist. Definitely got tense the moment I touched him. I don't know if it's him being in pain or what but I definitely didn't like it. Kookie used to crave our touches and advances.

"Um how about you each pick a store." Perfect this is how he first started acting when we were kids and got to walk around the mall with no parent supervision.

"Great plan Kookie let's go!" Jimin smiled interlocking his hand with Jungkook's and leading him into the mall. This was fine it was already previously discussed that Jimin and Kookie would be the public couple and the rest of us were just friends.

Growing up in a small town sucked. The mall is a 37 minute drive from our town. It's a big mall for all the small towns nearby. Well that's a lie the mall itself isn't huge but it's big enough to keep the ones that visit satisfied.

It's a get away place for basically every teenager with a car. It's a starter job for those that don't want to work in fast food and get to learn other things other than food service. My own brother dated a girl that used to work in one of the Kiosks back when they were 16.

Yoongi hyung told us the sleepover plans on our way into the mall. Kookie did remind us though that Jin promised him his own place so now that's once again in our minds. Jin and Yoongi will most likely be the one to find him a place of his own. I just hope they find a place after I get my sleepover turn with Kookie.

My father will not be happy having Jungkook stay over in my room in my bed for that many nights but it will just make it worse if I mention he is dating Jimin. Not only will he not want me around my Bunny but he will shun Jimin away from the house as well. I can't let that happen.

"So Baby what do you think of this?" Jimin asked holding up a sheer white button up shirt to Kookie. Hobi was the first one to pic a store and let's just say we were all getting very excited to dress him up like the doll he is.

I mean he even did a touch of makeup today. It's been since that horrible event happened did I last see him with makeup. He wasn't like one of those sluts who put on so much makeup for attention. No Kookie was very subtle. He barely wore any but when he did it was just enough to make his true beauty pop even more.

The way he did his eye makeup just made his doe eyes stick out even more. The little mascara to make his gorgeous long lashes even more noticeable. It's funny even when he uses plain cherry chapstick that has no tint to it he still is able to make his lips a tad bit darker and more tempting to kiss.

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