Chapter 33

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"So did you decide who you're going to stay with?" Yoongi asked very casually while we were both getting ready for bed.

The others left about an hour ago and Yoona was still out. Hobi ordered us all pizza for dinner and Jin went to get us drinks. Even after everything Jin still bought me Banana Milk.

"Probably Jin hyung. Just go from oldest to youngest." Yoongi just hummed in response.

"Don't. Leave those off."

"But why?" I asked stopping my movements regardless. I was just about to pull up my pajama pants. Right now I was only wearing my boxers and a long green T-shirt that I stole from Jaebum. The shirt went to my thighs just past my boxers.

"Use your pretty head of yours. Would your hyung rather feel fabric or smooth soft skin?" A smirk came to his face when I lifted the pajama pants to fold once again.

Yoongi climbed into his bed lifting up the blanket to show me exactly where he wanted me to be. My fingers held onto Jaebum's shirt and I tried to keep it pulled down as I climbed into the bed as well.

I wanted to have my back face him but he grabbed my hand and brought it to his chest. He made one of his arms go under my head as his other hand went to my waist and pulled us closer together.

"Do you remember the last time you were in here? You kicked me in the balls and said we no longer had a friendship." His voice was so deep and raspy.

Of course I remember.

I had to bloody defend myself.

This time though I can't fight back.

For Jaebum. My other hyung's and friends need to be safe.

"So let's see if you learned your place." He spoke as he placed his cold hand between my thighs basically making me hiss from the cold. "Good boy." He whispered into my ear before he kissed my cheek.

His hand that is under my head moved so he was holding my face closer to his. Yoongi wasted no time and connected our lips. The hand that was between my thighs began stroking my body up and down.

His fingers were starting to feel good and I hated it. I didn't want to kiss back but I had to....for the people I cared about I had to. My hands slowly found their way into Yoongi's dark black hair.

The moment I let a small moan escape my lips and into his, my body was flipped. My back was on his mattress that I fell in love with. I don't even know how we got in this position but it was like the couch again. He was between my legs with our members against each other.

Yoongi's eyes were so prey like and I didn't like it. I didn't like how I was feeling....with him. I didn't like how my body wanted him to touch me again. What hurts the most is I feel like I'm betraying Jaebum.

I know what I'm doing keeps him safe and out of harm but it's still hurting him. He wants to be with me and I want to be with him. I want Jaebum to be the one to make me feel this way.

Fuck. I'm even wearing his shirt to keep me close to him. To have me feel like I am in his arms even though I'm not.

"Damn. I want to fuck you so bad right now." I turned my head to the side I couldn't even look at him without feeling disgusted at myself.

I closed my eyes the moment I felt his wet hot tongue on my neck. My hands went back to his hair as the friction from our clothed members were driving me insane. Heart pounding against my chest soon my large breaths for air were making the pain from my ribs more well known.

"" I exhaled with a mix of pleasure but absolute pain. Yoongi thankfully quickly got off me with a look of pure worry on his face.

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