Chapter 26

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White rooms, machines beeping, the constant in and out of the nurses and doctors are what I got accustomed to over the past week. Jaebum still had to go to school. His parents still had to work.

I was so bored I even stopped watching the stupid small TV in the room. Today was Thursday and the doctor told me I can be released next Tuesday if everything continues to heal well.

It's very easy to be bored and fall asleep only to be woken up when a nurse knocks on the door. Just like now.

"Hi Mr.Jeon you have a visitor." My nurse Mary smiled when she realized she woke me from my 4th nap of the day. Mary was in her early 30's really nice and Kind. Her shift ends at 4pm before she is replaced by another nurse who I do not like.

I smiled at her to let whoever it was in. I expected it to be Jackson since he said he was going to try and leave early from school today to see me.


Mary didn't even look my way as she smiled at the visitor she just let in. She closed the door before the person smirked at me while he casually walked over.

"I guess you won't be as popular when people look at you now." He chuckled. "Missed you at school though.....I thought we would be able to play more."

"What are you doing here Tim?" I finally spoke pushing back all the fear I have of him. Even though I wanted to sound angry it still came out scared as my hands trembled.

"Aww can't I just come by and see you?" He tried to look offended as he gestured to his chest with his hand. However his voice was condescending as his sly smile crept into his face as he eyed me.

His eyes traveled to my healing punched yellow face down to my colored neck. His smile just got bigger when he looked at my cast on my arm. My fists grabbed the hospital sheet as I brought it closer to my chest not liking how he looked at me.

However my quick action made my breath hitch as my broken rib moved. My breathing only intensified when I heard Tim get out of his chair.

I was already in pain but I just wanted to scream of fright when I felt Tim's fingers grab my chin. I tried to fight his strength and not do what he wanted but I just shook as his grip got tighter and my jaw was moved.

He was leaning down and his face was so close to mine. His eyes moved to every small cut and bruise I had making me very uncomfortable. His thumb lifted from my jaw only for him to stroke my bottom lip.

Everything in me hurt. It hurt to move. The thumping in my chest just made everything worse.

"See this is what I missed. This look in your eyes. I love how I don't have to do anything anymore." He stood straight eyes never leaving mine as he kept his thumb on my lip and fingers keeping my jaw up to look at him.

"P-please l-leave." My voice cracked as I tried to keep myself from crying but failed miserably when Tim wiped my tear away with his other hand.

"Nah. Not when your tears are keeping me here."

I can't be this weak!

I got my father taken away and he hurt me so much more than Tim did. Why am I so afraid of him? Is it because he hurt me longer?

"So talk to me. What's with you an Jaebum?" Tim asked completely letting my face go and sitting back down on the chair. This is the first time he has spoken to me in this type of voice. It wasn't intimidating but with a soft genuine kind of way. "Come on......if you don't talk to me then I'll find another way to entertain myself."

His eyes got so dark as he glared at me since I didn't open my mouth to speak. What the hell did he expect from how he treated me all these years?"

"Well?" My spine shuddered just getting my nerves to settle from his agitating tone.

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