Chapter 25

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Ever since Tim left me I've had nothing but bad memories and feelings sink into my soul. Not even Jaebum could distract me on our way back to his house.

Today when his dad got home was when we planned on going to my house and getting my things at least my clothes and school supplies. His dad wrote me a letter this morning so I had something to show the principal and my teachers why I wasn't prepared.

However the moment we got into his room I felt like my heart was going to burst. I'm so tired of my life and I want it to get better. I need it to get better.

"Hyung.....c-can I tell you something?" I was nervous I didn't even know where I wanted to start. Jaebum looked at me nervously as he came over and was about to cup my cheek but I stepped back. "P-please sit down. If I don't say this now I probably never will."

"Okay...okay take your time." Jaebum sat on his bed facing me as I started to pace around his room as I collected my thoughts.

"So my mom and I had a secret...I tried really hard to keep it hidden so no one saw my life for what it was. My mom used to hit me but not like a slap. She...she would punch and kick me so hard my skin was black and blue." Jaebum started to stand up before I shook my head no.

"She isn't the only one that physically hurt me...Tim did too. Every time I was alone he would torment me and leave another bruise on me. after school when you were still inside helping Matt. Tim...Tim came up to me and started saying I was easy and liked being hurt during sex all because I have a black eye and I'm kinda with you now.

I' not saying anything is your fault but....but I'm scared. I'm scared of him and what he can do. What he has done and what he said he will do."

"What did he say to you?" Jaebum asked with an angry look in his eyes. His fists were clenched but he stayed put on the bed.

"Who knows maybe next time I catch you alone I might just find a new activity for us to do together." I spoke as I heard Tim's voice in my head as I said it. "I don't know what he means. He also talked about me giving him a shot with me? He is straight! Very straight I don't know what he could mean but that's scaring me even more. At least when I was around my hyungs he left me alone for the most part.

Should......should I ask for their help?"

"No! You don't need them. Thank you for telling me I'll protect you. You don't need the others you are strong believe that." At this point I was in his safe embrace as so many thoughts just came flooding into my head.

I never thought I'd tell anyone about Tim. I never mentioned him to my hyung's afraid of being a bother...again. Jaebum makes me feel different he makes me feel like I can actually change my life.

I've only been back a couple days and so much has happened in contrast to last year. I'm not feeling as scared about tomorrow.

Am I as strong as Jaebum hyung says?

"Kook! Get over here now!" I was about to walk forward but Jaebum kept my hand in his as his dad raised his arm to block me from moving.

"He is legally an adult and he will no longer be living with you! Jungkook told my wife and I everything so if you don't want the police involved I suggest you step aside and let us get his things.


"N-no. I....I don't want to live with you anymore." I softly yelled as I stepped beside Jaebum hiding my face in his back. I'm scared of him. I'm scared that I just said no but I can't force myself to stay here anymore.

Yes I have a couple good memories but most are a nightmare and filled with my cries and tears.

"Fine he wants his things then I'll burn this dump."

"Nooo!" I yelled running forward as tears were already starting to fall. "Please don't!"


"Jungkook!" Both Jaebum and his dad yelled. I looked back at them with tears falling down my cheeks.

"Call the Police." I mouthed to them before I walked passed my dad and into my suffocating home. I heard father yell to them to get off his property before he slammed the door.

The 20 minutes was filled with me getting punched and kicked. He yelled at me for being a slut and gay and staying out all night even though he is the one that locked me out in the first place.

I was laying on the floor unable to move when the police finally came breaking the door and arresting him.

I knew what was going to happen.

I tried to be brave knowing that Jaebum and his dad would save me.

I guess I just need a few more bruises till I can finally be free and happy.

While I was in the hospital getting treated Jaebum stayed with me as his parents gathered my things and dealt with the police.

"Why did you go in that house?" Jaebum asked me with sadness and disappointment written all on his face.

This is the first time he spoke to me since I came back from the ER. Now I'm in a split room with another man who came here for a heart attack.

My father broke one rib, fractured my right arm and my neck is severely bruised. The rest of my body is just as banged up. Honestly I've never been in so much pain it was like my mom and Tim teamed up but only worse.

"Because at least now he will be in trouble for what he did."

"Yeah but my dad would of handled it."

"I couldn't let him burn my moms things. I just couldn't. They are all I have left of her." Tears streamed down my face as I looked at my hyung's eyes. His face washed away all the disappointment he showed and it was replaced with worry.

"Your life and well being is far more important than any object or thing." Yes I listened to his words but I still don't regret what I did.

"I understand hyung I won't do that again."

Actually that's a lie now with my father locked up for now I was thinking about how I could get Tim to stay away from me. Yes Jaebum said he would protect me and I'm happy about that but I also want to be stronger.

With what I chose to do today made me face someone I was afraid of. Sure he beat me to a pulp but I still went in there knowing what was to happen. I faced him not even knowing if I would get rescued or not.

I fought Yoongi off me and broke off our friendship because of what he tried to do. I walked into the house and welcomed the hate my father gave to me just in hopes he would get taken away from me.

I can do things.

I can get stronger.

I can make my life happy. I just have to go through some more pain to get there.

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