Chapter 14

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"Hyung did I do something wrong?" I finally asked in a whisper breaking the silence.

Jaebum had his arm around me as we sat in different library chairs while I leaned into his warmth. Sehun left for class after he made sure I was okay with just Jaebum.

"No. No Kookie you didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry I wasn't there." Jaebum stroked my arm comfortingly.

"I think I did though. Maybe when my mom died I distanced myself too much and now they are mad at me."

I don't know why I'm blaming myself. I really am mad at them for how they are acting but I'm just use to taking the blame. It was always so much easier for me to say I'm sorry and for us to move on.

"Kookie......look at me." I moved myself out of his embrace and looked over at him. His eyes were so focused on me but in a gentle and caring way no anger in them. "You did nothing wrong. Your mom's death is something you are still dealing with. You should never feel ashamed or bad about how you needed to handle the death of a loved one." Gosh his words just sent every bad thought out.

Those words I haven't heard yet. For months my father ignored my cries. My hyung's before I left just wanted me beside them even when my mind was elsewhere. My mother is dead and I've been having to mourn for her alone. She was my home and now that she is gone I feel like I don't have a home anymore.

When I was at Jaebum's yesterday it was the first time a feeling of home came to me. So many happy memories. Sure they were filled with Jaebum's family but their household was filled with happiness and love.

That's one thing my home lacked. My mother and I would fight constantly. She hated my friends, my clothes, just everything. She loved me I know she did. Unfortunately just because you love someone doesn't mean you know how to show it.

I showed my love by working hard in school. Not being honest about myself to her. She was already a single mom who heard enough rumors about me. I didn't want us to have one more thing to fight about.

Now all I wish is to be able to fight with her one more time.

To have her yelling at me. That would be a symphony to my ears.

To have her come into my room and hug me in my covers. Kiss my forehead and tell me how sorry she was. Of course she never knew I was awake it would destroy her pride if she knew.

The day went by horribly. I sat with Jaebum at lunch with his friends all while getting texts from my hyung's to sit with them. Jaebum kept our hands locked the whole time. He was the only part of my day that sent me comfort.

"So um has Jaebum here said anything to you?" I looked across from me to Matt who kept glancing at Jaebum then me then our unseen interlocked hands under the table.


"What Matt is trying to be mosey about is he is wondering if I told you I liked you yet. Which I have." As he said that he raised our interlocked hands and kissed the back of my hand. My cheeks felt like they were on fire.

"Oh my gosh he is so cute when he blushes! Also super happy for you guys!" Jaebum's other friend Chris cheered like a over excited female anime character.

"Dude if you cheer like that then I'm sure we won't be the only ones out." Jaebum smirked at Chris which made me laugh.

"How dare you. You know very well what Female I am interested in."

"Who is it?" My curiosity got the best of me. I also felt super comfortable.

"Her name is Somin she is a Junior."

"I know her. She was in my economics class last year." I smiled. Somin is a beautiful nice girl I can understand why he likes her. "Want me to talk to her?"

"Hahahaha." I looked at Matt and Jaebum who were in a fit of laughter.


"They are laughing because I become a stuttering idiot whenever I try and talk to her." Chris sighed defeated as he basically slammed his head on the table in front of him.

I smiled as I stood up. I don't understand my courage right now. Sure I knew these guys but we weren't close. And here I am grabbing Chris's arm and dragging him over to a table full of Juniors. I ignored the rude one I bumped into earlier.

"Hi Somin!"

"Kookie? Hi how are you?" She gave me a warm but confused smile.

"I'm fine thank can I pull you aside for a moment I stole him as well and I just need to ask a senior and a junior a few questions."

"Oh um sure.....I'll be right back guys!" She smiled to her friends at the table. Once she stood up I grabbed her hand and pulled them both out of the noisy cafeteria.

"Okay so first introductions. Chris this is Somin....Somin this is Chris." They both awkwardly smiled with a small blush on their faces as they shook hands.

"So my first question is would you rather swim in a pool, lake, or ocean?"

"Ocean." They answered in unison.

"What sounds more fun? Having a morning date so if it goes well you still have the rest of the day......or a night date where once it ends you can't wait till morning to call them for another date?"

"Kookie I don't see wh-"

"Just answer the question." I cut her off.

"Well personally I would rather have a day date it wouldn't feel so rushed."

I looked up at Chris for his answer but he was such in a crushed daze as he looked at her. I was internally squealing. I nudged Chris's arm so he would snap out of it.

"Oh um y-yeah...wh-what s-she s-said." He wasn't lying when he said he becomes a stuttering mess in front of her. Somin however giggled as she covered her mouth while she was looking up at Chris.

"Hey Somin, do you think Chris is cute?" I whispered in her ear. I smiled so wide as I looked at her blushing face.

"Okay so final question! Somin if Chris here asked you out on a date what would you say?"

"Ah hahaha I don't know......he hasn't asked me." She looked up at him smiling and he was a red tomato. He was as red as his ginger hair on his head along with making his freckles disappear.

"W-w-w-would y-you g-go on a d-d-date with m-me?"


After that both of them couldn't stop smiling and here I was patting myself on the back. They exchanged numbers both still blushing as we all made our way back to the tables we were once sitting at.

"Kookie I....I don't know how you did that but thank you!!! Jaebum I swear keep him around he is a good luck charm." I just smiled brightly before I reconnected my hand with Jaebum who then leaned over and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

This is how I'm supposed to feel.

I'm supposed to feel confident.

I'm supposed to feel safe for making bold decisions.

This is what I've been missing.

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