Chapter 10

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I should leave?!

Hell No!

Jungkook Is Mine!

When we were in first grade the others and I were already friends from kindergarten. When Jungkook first introduced himself it was me who grabbed his hand so he would play tag with us during recess.

It was me who initiated everything. Now that fuck of a neighbor of his is telling me I should leave. Fuck Him!

When I got to his house my blood was already boiling because he wasn't calling me back. When I call he answers. Out of everyone Jungkook knows I'm the one that gets the most upset when I'm not acknowledged.

One time Taehyung and I got into a huge fight and ended up giving each other the cold shoulder. 2 weeks past and I just wanted the stupid feud to end so I called him and he ignored me. He continued to ignore my calls until I went to his house and punched him in the face before I broke his phone and told him to never ignore me. Since then no one declines my calls. We just told Jungkook that Taehyung walked into a door so he wouldn't be scared of me.

Today though with Kookie's first day being back and him saying no to Yoongi hyung ticked me off. Also his issue with Jin Hyung did not put me in a good mood.

I was happy at first of course because I had his soft lips against mine once again. If only my looks could kill now though then Jaebum would be dead. Not only did he have My property in his hand but he marked his skin as well.

I know it's wrong to call Jungkook my property but I don't care. Once it was agreed upon that I would be Jungkook's first I saw him as mine until the deed was done.

Last year the night his mom was shot was the night I planned for us to do it. Of course bad timing. Jungkook was sitting on Hoseok's lap making out when he got the call from the police.

Everyone besides Jungkook new my plan for that night. We would get him tipsy and relaxed but not too much alcohol in his system where he would pass out. Jungkook was to be aroused by the others where he was basically begging to be fucked by the time he got to me.

Once Jungkook got the call Jackson drove him home since he was the most sober. All of our plans for Jungkook were put on hold. We of course didn't like the woman but we definitely didn't want her dead. Especially since she was the only family our youngest friend had.


What a strange word.

A friend is someone you are with through thick and thin who you are beside no matter what.

A friend is someone you don't want to Fuck.

I want to Fuck Jungkook. I want to wreck him and make him a moaning mess.

I stopped thinking of Jungkook as a friend the night we got him drunk and he confessed he liked us. In that moment he became a target. An untouched target that I wanted.....needed.


No Craved.

I craved his lips. Innocent eyes. Trembling body.

I loved teasing him in a new way. Whenever I found a new spot of his that made his breath hitch I took a mental note. Those notes were all saved for the first night I get to call him Mine.

I can see in his eyes every time we call him a friend that he gets hurt by the word. I well we don't blame him. With everything we have put him through it's understandable that he has hope that we would be more one day.

We will Never tell him that it will never happen. He is our friend yes but he became so much more.

Boy-Toy is such a horrible term but it describes his situation perfectly.

His emotions are being toyed with. He is like a puppy getting rewarded when we like something he does.

The others won't truly admit what we've been doing to our "Friend" but I can fully acknowledge it.

We are manipulating and basically prepping him to be our permanent submissive sex slave. Secretly of course. I'm not an idiot when it comes to my friends. Some are very much gay but they deny it for personal reasons.

I myself would never out them just as they won't out me for having anger issues to Kookie. Even though I basically just outed myself just moments ago.

Sure Jaebum told me I should leave but I was going to leave anyway otherwise I would of beat him to death.

I never liked Jaebum but because he was popular like us we couldn't avoid him. Jungkook told me about their friendship our first day of getting to know each other. He was very sad because they didn't see each other at all during school only the bus ride home.

We lived on opposite sides of town so his bus was out of the question. I convinced the others to ask their parents to pick him up and drive him back home. Jungkook didn't need anymore friends he had us including Jackson, Sehun and Kai.

I'm on my way to Namjoon hyung's that's where everyone is right now. I told them I would find Jungkook.

"So was he at the cemetery?" Yoongi hyung asked as he played with his silver switch blade.

"No.....he was with Jaebum."

"What?" I looked around Namjoon's bedroom to see them all looking at me to see if I was lying. Namjoon squeezed his beer can too tightly as he asked.

"Yeah. That's not all though. That asshole gave Kookie a hickey!" I clenched my fist trying not to punch another hole in Namjoon's wall.

"Okay." Hobi hyung said calmly before he got out of the chair that was by Namjoon's computer and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Jin asked him as we all looked at him for an answer.

"Isn't it obvious I'm going to kill Jaebum then bring Kookie here."

"Okay I've had enough of this." Kai spoke angrily as he stood up and went by the door in front of Hobi. "We have been friends for as long as I remember but seriously can't you see how toxic this is?"

"Shut up."

"Yoongi hyung I swear zip your lip or I will punch you right here and now." Jackson threatened as he got in a fighting stance.

Sure Yoongi could fight and take a punch but Jackson actually is a trained fighter his father even owns a dojo a couple towns away.

"As I was saying this needs to stop. Jungkook wants distance so give it to him. You claim he is only a friend then let it be. You can't control him. He isn't your pet!" Kai's voice only got more loud and more stern the more he spoke.

"We said we would always be together....but if you do something and it hurts our youngest's best friend then that's it. We can't watch you hurt him anymore. We will choose a side and it won't be yours." Sehun said standing up and walking to the door. "Honestly I never thought our 13 year old friendship would end because they don't know how to treat someone who loves them."

After Sehun said that he left. Kai was angry but he still slept over like he planned. Jackson finished reading a comic book Namjoon gave him before he bounced as well.

Yoongi went home to his empty house still upset that Kookie said no to sleeping over. Jin left to go see Rose. Hobi drove Taehyung home leaving me alone with Namjoon and a sleeping Kai.

"Jaebum didn't give Kookie the Hickey.....I did." Namjoon confessed before he passed me the weed filled blunt.

"That doesn't change me not liking him."

"I know.....I just wanted it to be known. So what do you think about what Sehun and Kai said?"

"I think it's stupid. I mean take side's really? Kookie won't go against us. Tonight Jaebum pushed me away not him. Jungkook is Ours. I'll make sure he knows that too."

"What are you planning on doing?"

"Putting my plan back in rotation."

Jungkook will be mine.

He will learn he is ours.

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