Chapter 15

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Seeing Jaebum kiss Kookie's hand then later his forehead made me want to get up out of my seat throw Jungkook over my shoulder and take him out of school.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE!!! ATTENTION PLEASE!!!" The cafeteria went silent. We all turned our attention to a stupid smiling Jaebum who was standing on his chair. "Friends and fellow classmates I just want it to be known that my name is Jaebum and I am Gay and proud!"

What the actual Fuck?!

Jaebum then got off the chair and took hold of Kookie's hands. Kookie was blushing so much while he was looking down so shy. I hate this. We used to make him do that.

Jungkook then got to his feet and carefully stood up on the same chair Jaebum was standing on. He got up with Jaebum's help and continued to hold his hand even after he became stable.

" most of you already guessed already name in Jungkook and I am Gay and Proud Too!!!!" He spoke so softly at first not sure if everyone heard him. At the end though he spoke with so much confidence. I was happy for him he was terrified to even come out to us.

Unfortunately for him my happiness went away as soon as Jaebum cupped Jungkook's cheek only to lean in and Kiss him. Just like me the rest of us immediately stood up our chairs scratching instantly halting the claps and whistles that were once roaring in the cafeteria.

Jungkook's once beautiful happy smile vanished once he looked at us. Immediately looking down as we made our way quickly over.

"Don't." Kai basically growled like a dog as he stood in between us and what was ours. This honestly hurts. Kai, Sehun, and Jackson are just as much my best friends as the others. Just because they aren't sexually attracted to Jungkook slowly put a riff between our friendship. Of course I don't want to lose them but if it comes down to having Jungkook then I guess it's time to break our ties.

"Jungkook." I spoke clearly while glaring at Kai. Just getting more upset since I didn't hear movement I looked to Jungkook. He still had his head down but facing me. His stance showed that he was in the middle of a step then I saw his arm being held back by Jaebum. "Jungkook." I commanded again.

"Don't." I could see Jaebum basically plead with Jungkook. A smirk came to my face as I saw Jungkook snap Jaebum's hold on his arm and walk to me. He kept his head down but still followed us out of the cafeteria. Jimin and I walked behind him as his hand was grabbed by Taehyung and led out.

We found ourselves an empty classroom Taehyung almost threw Jungkook inside....almost he held himself back.

"What the hell was that?!" Namjoon snapped making Jungkook flinch.

Before Jungkook could respond with something stupid Jimin walked up to him pushing him against the wall. The rest of us just let him do it letting Jimin force his lips on Jungkook's holding his face in place.

Anger boiled inside me as I saw our Jungkook fighting and trying to push Jimin away.

"Stop!" Jimin let him go and stepped aside still glaring at the youngest who had tears in his eyes. I stomped over to Jungkook and grabbed the back of his head with my fingers getting tangled in his soft hair. "Why the hell did you let someone else kiss you?" I spoke through gritted teeth unintentionally squeezing harder on his hair and neck making him Yelp. "You are ours....only we can touch you."

I looked into his big stupidly beautiful eyes and I just got me more angry that I saw tears.

"N-no!" Jungkook stuttered loud enough to make us all silent. This is the second time he told me no. "I...I am Not Yours!" His voice screeched as tears slid down his red cheeks. "Th-this is Not Friendship!"

I could be an idiot and say I didn't know what came over me but I'm not an idiot I know full well what I did. I slapped him. I slapped him hard across the cheek. The sound of my hand against his tear stained skin made a shocking echo fill the room we were in.

"It stopped being friendship the night I took your first kiss."

"I don't care what you have with Jaebum if it's friendship or whatever it ends now." Hoseok said as he approached a shaking Kookie who held his red cheek.

"You c-can't tell m-me w-what to d-do."

"Oh we can baby.....don't forget who you like to be a good boy for." Jin spoke softly as he stroked Jungkook's un-slapped cheek.

"S-stop.....this i-isn't okay." He whispered avoiding eye contact and looking towards my feet.

Namjoon stepped around Jungkook and snaked his arms around his waist not breaking eye contact with me. His face was dead serious even when he looked away to place a kiss on the youngest's neck. Jungkook however closed his eyes pure discomfort perfectly displayed on his whole body.

"Just remember what a good boy you are for us. We know you want to obey us. It makes you happy every time we praise you or touch you." Taehyung spoke so soft and deep and you could visually see how much more relaxed Jungkook became.

Jungkook still kept his eyes closed but it wasn't scrunched up like before it was more soft. Namjoon kept kissing his neck and Jin moved from touching his cheek to playing with his ear.

Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and I just stood back watching our Kookie melt into their touches once more.

"I almost ran over Jaebum who rode his bike with Kookie this morning." Hoseok whispered but not taking his eyes off of our boy.

"At least you didn't almost snap Kookie's wrist in half when you saw him holding Jaebum's hand last night." Jimin whispered back.

"I just hope I don't have to slap him again."

"You won't have to....he was far away from us for way too long. We won't let that happen again." Taehyung didn't whisper he made eye contact with Jungkook who opened his eyes briefly as a moan escaped his lips. Taehyung wanted to be heard and I'm certain Jungkook did just that he heard his words.

I walked away from the three as I made my way to the one that was trying to keep his breathes steady.


His body trembling slightly.

Biting his bottom lip to keep his sexy shaky moan in.

I didn't want to control myself anymore. If it wasn't for our agreement that Jimin had the rights to have him first then I'm sure I would be wrecking him right now.

I tapped Jin and Namjoon's shoulders giving them both a signal to move. Not surprising they both had a boner as they walked away. Jungkook however had water in his eyes as his chest was going up and down rapidly. I placed my hands on his waist as I guided him to step backwards.

Kookie didn't break eye contact with me even when his back made contact with the wall. I lowered myself as my lips just gently brushed against his but not kissing.

"Who do you belong to?"

Silence? Really even after all that he still can't say it!

My hand slid down from his waist and firmly grabbed his plump ass cheek. Of course this action made him slightly jump and release another delicious moan.

"I said.....who do you belong to Bunny?"

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