Chapter 2

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"Why the hell you laughing Jackson?" Namjoon shoved him with a smile on his face.

"Because our youngest friend over there just left you here."

"He walked away from you too dumbass." I rolled my eyes at him as I spoke.

"Yeah but he isn't wrapped around my finger unlike the 6 of you."

"Very true. I wonder if he finally had enough of you guys toying with him." Kai jumped in as he rested his elbow on top of Jackson's shoulder.

"We Don't toy with him." Jin Hyung retorted as he sent them a glare.

"Really? Because I don't make out with my friends or flirt with them to see them blush." Sehun added while he rolled his eyes as well.

"Listen we are friends it's cool if you are gay t-"

"Jackson! Shut your mouth. We are not gay got it." Taehyung snapped as he whispered the g word.

"Fine bisexual whatever the point is if he is your friend you wouldn't toy with him the way you do." Sehun answers before he walked away with the other two following behind.

Jungkook is the only rumored gay kid in our school. He came out to us and we were a little surprised at first. We spoke about it after Jungkook went home.

Knowing he liked guys was a little hard to think about especially since we were very touchy with him but that's because we loved how shy he got.

Ever since we were young we'd ask him to do stuff and he never disobeyed. I don't know when it actually all started but we started playing games and keeping score to see who could make our little gay friend the most flustered.

It was innocent at first until the discussion of him actually dating a guy came into our conversation. I for one didn't like that one bit.

The thought of him blushing by another guy calling him cute. Someone getting his first kiss. To hear his first moan well it got all of us angry and a bit more possessive than we already were.

We had him sneak out of his house one Saturday night during the summer we were going to be juniors. Jungkook was still 16 for a few more days then he would of been 17 like the rest of us.

Taehyung's older brother bought us a whole bunch of alcohol and we well..... persuaded Jungkook to keep drinking. We got him to confess a lot of things to us that night. Some things we suspected but was much different hearing it come from his lips.

He liked me.

He liked us.

He never wants to tell us no.

All those things he said just made me want to control everything he ever did. To have him obey and say yes to whatever came to our minds.

You'd be an idiot to deny that Jungkook was a very attractive person. I don't have to be gay to see it. I could admit that he was pretty and cute he had better features than a lot of other girls we know.

That night Jungkook passed out drunk as he layed his head on Namjoon's lap. The rest of us just stayed up and talked.

Our conversation soon turned sexual and Jungkook was our topic. We were talking about what we would do to him. How we would get him to beg. How he would sound under us.

We agreed to start off slow. We began to give him pet names like Baby, Kookie, Bunny. Bunny really got him flustered. Then we started saying things like Good boy when he did something we asked. It was so fun to see how red he got.

After we got him basically needy for our praise the next stage began. We played Rock Paper Scissors to see who got to get Jungkook's first kiss and I won.

I told him to be a good boy and not to move. He sat still on my bedroom floor when I got him alone for a sleepover. I knew that sleepover would be different but my blushing friend in front of me didn't.

I cupped his warm soft face in my hand he instantly leaned into my touch something we have been kinda teaching him to do this past month. I starred into is big Bambi eyes before I looked to his plump cherry red lips.

I wasted no more time and connected our lips. They were so soft. He froze for a moment as I expected but it just made it all the more better.

I pulled away from the kiss with a good smirk on my face as I saw his flushed cheeks and closed eyes. I whispered a good boy to him before I turned on the TV like nothing happened.

It continued like that for a few months each of us getting a turn. Kai, Sehun, and Jackson where the only ones that didn't try anything which was fine by us.

"Yoongi you coming?"

"Yeah hyung coming." I replied back to Jin Hyung as I followed the others.

Homeroom was so stupid it was us just sitting in a classroom for 15 minutes while the teacher took our attendance. Since it was the first day a lot of students were loud or showing up late. Sure my friends and I were talking too but that didn't mean I wasn't annoyed by the other voices.

Once the teacher got everyone's names the classroom just filled with more conversations as the teacher couldn't care less.

Seokjin hyung was flirting with Rose who sat on his lap. Hoseok and Taehyung were arm wrestling as some students were cheering them on. Namjoon and Jackson were talking about who knows what. Jimin is playing a stupid game on his phone as he silently swore beside me.

I was annoyed but that's not new for me. Then my eyes landed on my youngest friend. Jungkook was smiling but it was his forced smile. A smile he has been showing a lot since his mom was murdered.

I'm not going to lie I knew his mother was kind but there was something about her I didn't like. The way she gave me a fake smile whenever she saw me. How her eyes judged me and followed my every movement when I was in her house.

What I hated the most was how she didn't want Jungkook around us anymore. Did I want her dead? No. Was I sad that she died? Only because how her death effected my best friend. I'm not a horrible person to think that. It's just like in laws hating each other.

My blood began to boil as I saw Kai place his hand on Jungkook's back making small circles. I knew he was just comforting him, they are probably talking about something emotional. I still don't like it though.

"Kookie." I spoke loudly making my youngest friend instantly turn his attention to me. "Come." Just as I expected he instantly rose to his feet making Kai's hand drop before he turned to look at Sehun who was already looking at me.

Jungkook walked to me obediently but his face looked as if he was having an argument with himself.

"You wanted me hyung?" Gosh I've missed his voice and how he called me hyung. Sure I'm the second oldest and all my friends call me hyung besides Seokjin hyung but non of them has a voice like Jungkook's.

A voice of pure innocence mixed with cute constant confusion. A voice so pure and soft he could create world peace. All at the same time creating x rated thoughts to pop in my head as I just want his voice to get higher from pleasure all while barely being able to speak from over stimulation.


"Tonight? Tonight what hyung?"

"You're coming over. Sleeping over." I looked him straight in the eyes as his got larger.

My teeth clenched as I glared at the boy in front of me who just disobeyed an order. My Order.

"N-no Hyung."

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