Chapter 6

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I am Gay.

Will I ever come out? I'm not sure.

My mother's little brother came out as gay to her when they were in their 30's. She grimace's every time his name is mentioned. I love my mother but I don't want her to be disgusted by me too.

She know's Jungkook is gay even though non of us said anything. She hates having him at the house. Always thinking she will turn me gay. If only she found out I was attracted to him back in middle school.

Jungkook is actually the reason I found out I was attracted to males. It was his big brown doe eyes that sparkled. His Rosey red lips that just stick out more because of his fair complexion. Oh gosh and his giggle. His giggle is so infectious. I spent most of middle school just tickling him so I could hear his giggles.

Kookie's bright beautiful smile just came to my thoughts every time I thought about him. He is also the only one I allow to call me Joonie hyung.

"Joonie hyung!" I quickly turned around to see Kookie with a faint blush on his cheeks probably from running to catch up to me.

"Hey Kookie!" I smiled making sure I show him my dimples that he loves to poke oh so much.

" where you you going?" Right we are the only ones in the hall since lunch ended.

"I have history class but I'm ditching."

"Hahaha you sound like Jaebum hyung. He ditched earlier in homeroom." Jungkook smiled as he shook his head making his soft hair sway.

"Yeah well want to ditch with me?"

"I really shouldn't. We are seniors now....and-"

I didn't let him finish as I just grabbed his hand and pulled him behind me. He wasn't protesting anymore but he was definitely dragging his feet.

I pulled him out into the courtyard and away from the windows so we wouldn't be caught.

I slid by back against the brick wall looking up at Kookie who was looking around. "Come." I ordered grabbing his hand again and guided him to sit between my legs so I could cuddle him.

"Hyung?" I just hummed as I rest my chin on his soft hair. "Did.....did you guys truly miss me when I was gone?"

Shocked. Completely shocked of course I well we missed him.

"Of course Kookie what would make you think differently?"

"Well....I saw a lot of pictures over the summer that you guys posted and it looked like you were having a lot of fun." Idiots. I told the guys to chill with the social media stuff especially the ones where they were with girls.

"Of course we missed you. We had to keep our selves busy so we weren't sulking that you weren't here with us." I felt sad when I heard Jungkook's fake laugh. His fake chuckle to try and say everything was okay.

"So Yoongi hyung told me you were going to visit your mom today. Do you want me to go with you?"

"'s okay. I want to go alone. I haven't seen her since a few days before I left for New Hampshire."

"Oh how was New Hampshire anyway?"

"Oh hyung! It was so pretty and the air is so fresh and clean there. So much Nature I loved it so much!" I'm glad he liked it. I guess it's worth me missing him like crazy when he wasn't with me.

"Hey um Kookie can I tell you a secret but you can't tell anyone else okay?" Jungkook turned around in my arms so he could face me. Oh wow he looks so worried.

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