Chapter 41

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I don't even know how long I have been crying or begging them to stop. My cheeks are as red as can be and they sting so much more because of my tears.

Jin didn't even wait for the others to thank their fathers he just grabbed my hand and dragged me to his car. The drive was stiff it was like we could cut the air with a knife. He was angry and it was clear to see.

He pulled up to a nice looking small house that was about a five minute drive from his. Lots of trees blocking the windows view. Jin wasted no time quickly getting out of the car and charging over to my side. As I was being pulled out of the car by him I saw the others cars pulling up behind.

The wrist that just got the cast taken off was harshly grabbed and I was yanked towards the house. Everything was so quick I was too busy trying to get out of his hold I didn't even get to look at the house I was just dragged into.

It wasn't until he let go did I truly realize I was just thrown on the floor. I looked around me to see I was in the master bedroom. It's easy to tell that this was the largest bedroom in the house it even had a small walk in closet.

"Do you really think I would believe your BullShit story about sleeping with someone from the states?" My heart dropped hearing the venomous words coming from his scowling face. "You are and have always been such a horrible liar. I knew something was up yesterday at school."

"H-hyung I-"


That's when the first slap came to my face after I crawled on my knees trying to explain myself. The room felt so small as I was on the floor on my knees as they stood in a circle around me.

"Don't interrupt......slut." Namjoon spoke through gritted teeth.

"Now as I was saying, my suspicion was confirmed after the fucking school nurse spoke to me today. While you were with Hobi hyung I told the guys what you did.....and with who."

"D-did you hurt him?!" I yelled out scared and angry as I was trying to stand off my knees.



"Wow how disrespectful can you be? You are the whore who slept with someone who wasn't your boyfriend." I didn't look up at Jin who was behind my back speaking. My hands cupped my slapped cheeks as a ringing came to my ears. However I did glare at Taehyung who was the one that slapped me..

"I'm hurt Kookie I thought we had something special."

"Fuck You..........Fuck all of You!"

The room fell silent but I don't care. My secret is out and as I said before I have No Regrets. Jaebum has my whole heart and love I just hope I get to be with him forever soon and not this Hell.

My eyes glared at Jin who walked around me to grab my chin. It took everything in me to not Yelp from the pain he is causing on just my chin. I'm really happy Rose isn't here to see this......this would break her heart even more.

"Oh no Kookie you don't get it. Jimin here was supposed to be your first and you took that from him. Your other hyungs were all going to wait their turns but you took something away from your Jimin hyung. You should be begging for his forgiveness." Jin finished by tossing my chin aside to stand back up again.

"I'm glad you weren't my first.....I'm so fucking happy I gave it to someone that loves me." I showed them a proud smile right before fear sunk in as I was lifted by my longer uncut hair and dragged backwards.

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