Chapter 31

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Tension. So much tension in this room.

All of us were in the principals office. Everyone was standing except for Rose and myself who where sitting in chairs opposite the Principal who was standing beside his own chair.

Rose was already in the room sitting and didn't turn to look at us when we entered. Jin, Jimin, and I were the first to come in. Jeabum, Taehyung, and Hobi came in next followed by Namjoon and Yoongi who was ordered to close the door.

Jimin stood right behind me with his hands placed firmly on my shoulders. I heard Namjoon say something to Jaebum but I had to keep quiet for his sake.

"So." The room felt suffocating once the principal finally decided speak. "Rose has brought it to my attention that Mr.Lim here was beat up last night by the 6 of you." If you could hear anger than Rose was definitely being ripped apart by rage. She gave me a side glance cause I'm sure she felt it. "Now Jeabum this happened outside of school but if you want to press charges I can call the authorities for you."

"No I'm fine thank you sir." Jaebum answered way too quick. No thought went into it. A big part of me hoped he would say yes. They deserve to take responsibility for what they did and are doing.

"Alright you 7 may return to class. Mr.Jeon will join you in a bit." I felt frozen from feeling all of their eyes on me.

Jimin leaned down while giving my shoulders a squeeze just to end up giving my cheek a kiss. "Be a good boy." He whispered into my ear so low I'm sure not even a superhero with super hearing would be able to hear him.

Once everyone left the principal sighed while locking his fingers in front of him and leaned on his wooden desk while eyeing me down.

"Mrs. Rose here told me she thinks that you are being mistreated by your friends. Is her assumption correct?"


"No Sir."

"Sir he is lying. Just yesterday he was happily dating Jaebum now he is barely smiling and he said to others that Jimin is his boyfriend! Just last night he was crying and screaming for them to stop hurting Jaeb-"

Rose stopped her yelling mid sentence as her eyes went wide. For the first time all day she finally turned her head to lock eyes with me.


I can see it in her eyes.

She knows probably was able to connect the stupid dots.

"Kookie are you dating them so they won't hurt Jaebum?" The principal looked at her in surprise but then turned his attention to me. I couldn't turn away from her stare that was pleading for me to tell the truth.

I wanted to burst into tears but instead I stood up from the chair and took a few steps towards the door not looking at them.

"I only dated Jaebum to make my friends jealous. It worked. Sure it sucks that Jaebum couldn't fight for me...hell I liked the attention.  Now if you'll excuse me I'm sure my boyfriend Jimin hyung is waiting for me."

I couldn't look at them as I lied. If I was Pinocchio I'm sure my nose would have a birds nest living on it right now. I hate everything about what I just had to do but if I didn't then they would know and then the ones I cared for would get hurt.

Just as I expected I was waited for. Jimin grabbed my arm that wasn't in the cast and pulled me to......yep another bathroom. Upon entering I was pushed to the wall. I didn't have to look up I could just count how many expensive shoes are all pointed towards me.

"Don't worry I didn't say anything."

"Tell us everything." Taehyung spoke in his deep voice that sent a shiver down my spine.

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