You/Esdeath - Stockholm Syndrome

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(Akame Ga Kill)

You could still remember how a few months ago, you had called Esdeath crazy for saying that you would fall in love with her

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You could still remember how a few months ago, you had called Esdeath crazy for saying that you would fall in love with her. You done everything in your power to show her that you hated her but that never deterred Esdeath from showing you how much she loved you. Eventually, after many days of being treated like royalty and shown how much she loved you, you fell for her. The only problem was that you hadn't told her. Esdeath still believed that you hated her and planned on killing her whenever you had a chance of doing so.

"You know, Esdeath is driving herself mad on her search for you. Why are you hiding from her?"

Esdeath had the whole team searching the empire to bring you back. Bols had stumbled into you in the library. Since you had arrived, you had never stepped foot in the library so you knew that no one would search for you there.

"Bols! You scared me."

"Forgive me. I didn't intend to do so."

"It's okay."

Out of everyone, you had grown close to Bols. He was always there to make you feel better whenever you cried about your predicament.

"What are you doing here? You're usually already finding someone to take you out of the capitol."

"I'm hiding from Esdeath."

"Hiding? Not Escaping?"

He asks, bewildered about this new development. Up until a couple of days ago, you were still attempting to escape.

"No. I uh, came to a realization. I think I might be in love with Esdeath." Before Bols has a chance to say anything, you cover his mouth. "Shut up! I don't want anyone to find me before I come up with a way to tell her."

Bols crosses his heart, making you let him go at the promise.

"I should head out and distract them. I doubt they'll find you but we can't be too sure."

"Thanks Bols."


Run hadn't been looking for you, Esdeath had given him the task to stay put in case you came back. He was honestly surprise to bump into you in the flower garden.

"Ah. There you are. Esdeath is going to be so happy to hear that you're safe and sound."

He's ready to fly out and tell her the good news when you stop him.

"Wait. I need to talk to you."

He looks at you with curiosity. He wasn't sure if it was a trick but his interest was already piqued and he wanted to hear what you had to say.

"What is it?"

"You can't tell Esdeath where I am?"

"Why not? I'm under her command and orders were given to me."

"Please, Run. I want to...surprise Esdeath"

"Surprise General Esdeath? What are you planning, (y/n)? She's been nothing but kind to you."

"I know. I know!" You take a deep breath before continuing. "I've realized that I've fallen for her. I'm hiding from her because I don't know hot to tell her."

"You've fallen in love with General Esdeath."


"And you're hiding from her because you don't know how to tell her that you love her?"

You nod and Run is quick to take off. He wasn't prepared to handle this.

"Run! Run! Don't tell her!"


He comes back almost an hour later with Seryu and Kurome.

"I'm sure these two will help you. I'll distract Esdeath. Good luck."

Run flies off, leaving the three of you alone.

"Is it true! You're in love with General Esdeath!?"

"Shhh! They'll hear you!"

Seryu apologizes and lowers her voice.

"Well is it true?"

"Yes, it's true."

Seryu actually squeal from excitement. You tried to get her to be quiet but it wasn't any use. Kurome just watched the two of you in amusement as she ate her snacks.

"Come on! We'll help you come up with a way to tell her."


2 hours later and you weren't any closer to figuring out how to tell Esdeath. You didn't think it would be difficult to reveal your feelings to someone and you were ready to just give up and live with the fact that Esdeath will never know your true feelings.

"Just kiss her! I'm sure General Esdeath won't care how you tell her."

Kurome yelled to the two of you. She was tired of hearing the two of you argue.

"But that's not romantic. We have to make the confession as romantic as possible. This is General Esdeath we're talking about."

Seryu explains to her. You nod in agreement, making Kurome roll her eyes. Accepting the fact that she would spend another couple of hours listening to the two of you, she decided to take a breather.

"Whatever. I need a break. I'll be back."

The two of you didn't pay her any attention as she left the room.


"Kurome! What are you doing here? I gave everyone strict orders to search for (y/n). Who knows where she could be. I just hope she's okay. I can't believe that I let her out of my sight. This is all my fault."

Kurome sighs in annoyance, not ready to listen to her go on and on about how she should've done something more.

"She's in that room."

Esdeath rushes inside to find you and Seryu in the middle of an argument.


You look up to her with wide eyes like a deer caught in the headlights. You hadn't prepared anything. You were still in square one. Looking over her shoulder, you find Kurome with a small smirk as she watched you panic. Mentally making a note to pay her back, you turned to look at Esdeath. You had no choice but to go with what Kurome had suggested. You actually walk up to her, surprising Esdeath. You had always wanted to keep a large distance between the two of you.

"I'm sorry for worrying you."

"It's okay. Are you okay? What happened?"

Esdeath was already looking you over for any visible marks. Knowing that you were going to lose any courage that you had built up, you quickly leaned in to catch her by surprise with a kiss. Esdeath is quick to kiss you back, not even hesitating for a second about it. She had waited months for this moment.

"I realized that I'm in love with you."

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