You/Kokomi Teruhashi - Fans

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(The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)

You and Kokomi had started dating a couple of months ago but kept it from the rest of the world. She was more aware about you being in danger because of her brother and her fan club so it was agreed between the two of you to just keep it a secret. It sucked that you couldn't really acknowledge her in public but you were content with being able to spend the evenings and weekends with her. 

It's finally the end of the school day and you're ready to head home. You and Kokomi had made plans to spend the evening together so you hurried to beat her to your place.  Your room was a complete mess and and considering who your girlfriend was, it couldn't be less than perfect. You're just about to exit the school when a pair of arms grab you and drag you back inside. 

"Oh, no you don't."

You weren't sure why no one was helping you as a bag was placed over your head before you could even see who had grabbed you .


The bag is lifted off your face and you're finally able to see who had kidnapped you. Kokomi had warned you about her fan club but you never believed it to be true. Sure, everyone would fall in love with her at first glance with the exception of Kusuo but you didn't think that they would form a club that was solely dedicated to her. 

"I'm sorry but where am I.." A man steps forward to slap your cheek to grab your attention. "Ow! What did you do that for?"

"So you can see that we mean business. Now we've brought you here to discuss an important matter that was brought up to me by Member #38294. The matter at hand is this picture of you with Teruhashi."

You had stopped paying attention after hearing the number of the member. There couldn't possibly be more than 38,000 people in Teruhashi's fan club. 

"I'm sorry but are your member numbers given at complete random or do they follow a certain order."

"We're the ones to ask the question here. Now tell us about the picture."

You roll your eyes, finally looking at the picture that he had been showing you. It was a picture of you and Kokomi at your aquarium date in a city that was almost 2 hours away. The two of you would only go out on dates when they involved visits surrounding cities to avoid anyone catching the two of you. It had worked until now. 

"I'm not going to answer any questions until I get an answer to my question."

The man looks around to the other members to see what they had to say. They're all quick to nod, wanting to know more about the picture than caring about the secrecy of the club. 

"They follow a certain order. Every time a new member joins, they're given the next number that follows after the latest one that joins." He can't help but roll his eyes at your confused expression. "I'm member #6540. If I was the last one to join and someone else wanted to join, they would be #6541."

"Ohhh. That makes sense. Anyways that's not me in the picture."

The man turns the picture around to make sure that they hadn't taken the wrong person. He actually growls at you when he confirms that its actually you on the picture. 

"That is you on the picture! How can you deny it?!"

"I can't just lie and say that's me. I've never been with Teruhashi. In fact, I don't even talk to her. She's always surrounded by people and I've never had the pleasure of actually talking to her."

"Liar! That is you! Quit lying about it."

"But I'm not! Why would I lie about it?"

"Because you know what we're capable of. We'll do anything to uphold our rules which includes keeping anyone from getting too close to her. It seems you and her are awfully close in that picture, are you not?"

"We're not. How many times do I have to tell you that it's not me in the picture!"

You and the guy continuing arguing back and forth about the legitimacy of the picture when you're interrupted by someone opening the door. Everyone in the room gasps as Kokomi walks in. You just give her a bright smile when the two of you lock eyes. You couldn't wait to see how she was going to get you out of this without revealing who you were. 

"Hi, everyone! I'm sorry for bothering you during your meetings.."

"It's okay! You don't have to apologize Teruhashi. You're welcome to join us at anytime."

She gives them a smile, giggling when they offer her the best seat in the room. It was honestly amusing to see her act like this. Kokomi kept silently mouthing something to you but you couldn't understand. She eventually gave up and turned to the members to ask what was happening. 

"Nothing! We just wanted to talk to her and ask her what it was like to spend time with you."

"Oh! I'm afraid that she won't be able to answer your question. I've never spent time with her. Where did you get this idea from."

The man looked down at the picture and then up at Teruhashi. She would never lie to them so that meant that you were telling the truth. 

"It was a mistake. Forget what we said. Would you like something to drink or maybe eat? We have all your favorites in here!"

They were all focused on her at this time so you were completely ignored. 

"Is anyone going to untie me? Hello?" 

You glared at Kokomi as you could see her laughing at you. They all joined in, wanting to laugh with her. Being in the room was creeping you out and you just wanted to leave. Kokomi stops laughing when she sees your discomfort. 

"Why don't you untie her so we can have a proper meeting. I'll let you all ask me a non-personal question each."

They couldn't push you out of the room fast enough as they scrambled to ask her their question. You didn't want to leave her behind with the creepy fan club but she shooed you away. She didn't want to waste her evening with people that she didn't quite like but if it meant that they stopped caring about who you were, she would deal with it. 


"Is this what I'm going to have to deal with as your girlfriend?"

You ask her when the two of you are finally cuddling in your bed while watching a movie. 

"Hm? I'm afraid so. I can't help how they feel for me."

"I guess you can't. It is going to be annoying."

"I can talk to them if you'd like."

Kokomi didn't really want to do so. She liked when they boosted her ego. 

"No, that's okay. I'm going to have to get used to dealing with the fact that practically everyone falls in love with you at first glance. At least I know that you only have eyes for me."

She rolls her eyes, leaning in to kiss you. 

"That's right and you should be honored."

"Trust me, I feel very honored."

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