You/Erza Scarlet - Secret Part 2

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(Fairy Tail)

AN: I know nothing about the anime or manga so this might be entirely inaccurate.

AN: I know nothing about the anime or manga so this might be entirely inaccurate

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The two of you looked at each other, unsure of who should start explaining.

"Well is someone going to tell us something or what?"

Lucy asks after a few minutes of quiet. She was getting annoyed as the two of you continued to delay your explanations.

"Erza! I think you should be the one to tell them. You're the better story teller."

She glares at you, almost making you tell the whole story but you refuse to be bullied into saying it. Erza had been the one to practically demand that the two of you kept your relationship and the kids a secret. You weren't bothered by it so you agreed without any hesitations.

"Alright, fine. I don't think see why it's any of your business but it's clear to me that all of you won't leave us alone until I give you an answer. If you interrupt me, I'm not going to explain anything anymore. Got it?" They all nodded quickly, already expecting this from her. "Good. Now where should I start...."


"THATS'S IT?! You've been hiding your marriage and your kids because neither of you could figure out the right time to tell us about the two of you?! Are you serious?!"

You nodded with an amused smile.

"Yes. You can't blame us. By the time we wanted to tell you that we were dating, a year had already passed so we figured to just wait until marriage. When we got married, we couldn't figure out how to tell you about the secret wedding so we just decided to wait again. Then when we had our first kid, we decided it was just better to keep it from everyone to avoid for her to get attacked. So I suppose our main reason from keeping it from everyone is for our kids safety."

They couldn't be mad at you after hearing your explanation. It made sense and now they planned on doing everything they could to show you that you could trust them.

"When can we meet them?! I've always wanted to see how a mini Erza was."

"Lets go..."

"Never! I'm not letting you meet our kids just for that. You all can just go back to pretending that we don't have kids.

You can't help but laugh as you kiss her cheek.

"She doesn't mean that. Lets go meet them, Master Makarov is babysitting them at the moment."


Erza let her head rest on your arm as the two of you watched your friends get to know the kids.

"I feel like they're definitely going to get spoiled now."

"Please. Lets not pretend that you don't spoil them."

"I do not spoil them!"

"We can agree to disagree."

Erza rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything. She never liked admitting when you were right.


All characters are 18+

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Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Najenda - Over

Aiura .... - New

Krul Tepes - Escape


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