You/Esdeath - Fight

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(Akame ga Kill)

You tightly held the grip of your sword as you heard them talking about Esdeath. They were going to kill her and if didn't do anything, you were going to lose the love of your life. 

"Wait, I'll deal with Esdeath. The 4 of you should focus on the prime minister."

Everyone looked at each other, not understanding why you had a death wish. 

"I truly mean this in the best way possible but you'll die if you go against Esdeath. You've only had a year to train with us while Esdeath's been fighting since she was little. You'll get killed the minute that you stand up against her."

You didn't have to be told about Esdeath's life story, she had explained it all to you. 

"I've never let any of you down. Trust in me. I'll deal with Esdeath. Please."

The boss sighs while looking at you. She wasn't sure if you had a death wish but she knew that even if she prohibited you from going up against her, you would go against her wishes. The least she could do was provide backup. 

"Alright but Akame will be going with you...and I'm not budging on this. Do you understand?"

"Yes, boss."


"You haven't been entirely honest with us, have you?"

The two of you were making your way to the center of the capitol where Esdeath will be with Jeagers to defend the emperor and prime minister. 

"What are you talking about?"

Akame stopped walking to look at you, her hand grabbing the hilt of her sword. 

"You're with Esdeath. All those nights that you think that everyone is sleeping, you sneak out to see her." She pulls out her sword, letting the blade press against your chest. "I could kill you for sleeping with the enemy. Our friends are dead because of her. How could you be with someone like that? Someone so cruel that only ever cares about winning. She doesn't care about you, (y/n)."

"I...I don't know. I love her, Akame. I know that it's wrong to love her but I can't help who I fell for."

You wince as you feel the sword press down a little harder on you. Had it not been for your armor, you were sure that she would already be piercing your skin. 

"She's responsible for the misery of millions. Why do you think that you're an exception? She doesn't care about you. She doesn't love you..."

"She loves me!" You cry out to her. "You don't know anything about Esdeath."

In a blink of an eye, she had put her sword away and continue walking forward. 

"You'll die trying to protect her and she won't care about your sacrifice."


Esdeath had been waiting for you at the steps of the palace. Something had told her that you would attempt to convince her to give in. 

"I see that you've finally told your friends about us. She didn't take it too well, did she?"

Akame had stayed a few feet away from you to give you a chance to convince her. After saving her life, she was finally returning the favor that she owed you. 

"No. Esdeath, please. I don't want to lose you. Please, just give up. With the way that the rebellion has set things up, there's no way that the prime minister and his men/women will have a chance of winning."

"Oh darling, you underestimate me. I'm far stronger than anyone in the capitol. I will only ever give up when I die. You know this, I don't understand why you would think that you can convince me to do so."

Esdeath wraps her arms around your waist to stop you from falling. She holds you close, running her fingers through your hair as you cried and begged for her to give up. It was sweet of you to try to save her. 

"I'm afraid that I can't give up. Even if I don't believe in the empire, I was given orders. I must go through with them. I didn't get my reputation as the general that quits when they're face to face with death."

"P..please Esdeath!"

Esdeath makes you look up to her, giving you a smile as she sees the tears running down your cheeks. She wipes them away and leans in to give you a deep kiss. 

"I'm sorry but my orders were to kill Night Raid." You gasp loudly as her blade goes through your stomach. "I can't be with someone that refused to change sides and begged for me to give up. It's a shame, I truly did love you."

Akame is quick to act as soon as Esdeath drops you. She didn't have high hopes of Esdeath helping the rebellion but she didn't think that she would kill you. The two of them destroy nearly half of the block in their fight to kill each other. Only after wiping nearly everything within a few miles, Esdeath fell to her knees. 

"You killed the only person that truly loved you."

Esdeath smiles as she forces herself on her feet and makes her way to you. She smiles as she holds you in her arms once again. 

"We were never meant to have a happy ending."

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