You/Esdeath - Tournament

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(Akame Ga Kill)

You needed money quite badly. You only had just enough to buy enough food for the day and then you wouldn't be able to buy yourself anything to eat. When you saw the flyer about a tournament with a huge reward, you couldn't help but sign up. Your swords skills weren't exactly the best but it was worth a try. 


Your first match had been easy, they had paired you up with someone much smaller than you that it only took a couple of strikes to take them out. There's quite a few people that had signed up for the tournament so it wasn't for another hour when it was your turn again. This time, you were paired up with someone of equal strength and size as you. He had clearly been trained by someone highly skilled so you had actually broken out a sweat as you dodged his strikes and attempted to hit him. Just when you think that he was about to win, you find an opening and quickly take him down. 

"And we have our winner! Give it up for (y/n), the (nickname)!"

You raise your arms in victory, smiling at everyone as you enjoy the cheers. You didn't think that you had it in you to actually win the tournament but you were glad to have proved yourself wrong. 

"(y/n), the (nickname)? You're just simply fascinating. A unknown with limited skills that managed to win someone that was highly trained. You have potential. I like that." The woman gives you a smirk as she steps closer. "I set this tournament to entertain myself from the dull life in the Empire. I thought it had been a waste of time when it started but then you came out and my interest was sparked."

"Uh, thank you?"

She laughs and pulls out a collar out of nowhere to place around your neck.

"You're perfect. You're exactly who I've been looking for. Come along."

"Wai...miss..I don't..."

She pulls along the chain attached to your collar to force you to walk after her. 

"I'll explain everything to you back at my place."


You sat at the head of the table, trying to make yourself as small as possible to avoid talking to the other people sitting around the table. The woman who you had come to know as General Esdeath, had simply left you in the room and didn't mention when she would come back.

"So you and General Esdeath, huh? Who would have thought. You don't really look like her type."

The man lets his eyes trail down you body as he inspects you. 

"On second thought, you might just be who she was looking for."

The doors open and General Esdeath walks in.

"Leave us. You don't have a mission for tonight."

They all thank her and excuse themselves as they leave you alone. As much as they scared you, you didn't want them to leave. The woman who had collared you, scared you far more than the 6 of them combined. 

"I can't believe that I was lucky enough to find you so quickly. I had just barely begun my search for a lover when you came along. I'm indeed lucky." She takes a seat besides you, letting her hand rest on your knee in attempt to comfort you. "You don't have to be afraid. I won't hurt you."

You give her a small smile, unable to say anything. You were still trying to process everything that was going on. 

"I suppose that I should explain what led to this. A couple of days ago, I had been ordered by the prime minister to return to the Empire. They've been dealing with a group of assassins that has been endangering the citizens of the Empire and he brought me on to take them out. As a thank you for taking on the mission, he offered me gold but I declined it and told him to hand it to my soldiers. I only asked him for one favor to accept the mission, to help me find a lover. Love had never crossed my mind but I've been wanting to experience that feeling. I had a list compiled of everything that I wanted in hopes that he would find someone but he hadn't been lucky. Everyone that he found was always missing something and I declined them all.  One of the Jaegers suggested to host a tournament to take my mind off of the search and that brings us to today. My search is over. You check off all the items on my list. Like I said, you're perfect."

You couldn't imagine what someone like her would want in a significant other. 

"What did your list have?"

"Oh the usual, someone younger, submissive, innocent, and that they weren't raised in the capitol."

"What if I refuse to agree to this?"

Esdeath genuinely laughs. Not at all bothered that you were thinking about refusing her love. 

"There's nothing for you to agree with. Once I placed the collar over you, you're mine for me to do as I wish" She grabs the chain that had been loosely hanging and tugs it towards her. "Like I said, I won't harm you. I care far too much for you."

She leans in to kiss you, not caring that you were struggling to push her off of you. She was quite beautiful but if the stories that you heard about her were true, she was crazy. There was no telling what she would do if you stayed. 

"Please let go of me. You don't even have to give me any of the reward."

"Oh darling, I've just found you. I'm not letting you go."

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