You/Esdeath - Jealousy

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(Akame Ga Kill)

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(Akame Ga Kill)

Esdeath was overprotective of you. She hardly let you out of her sight and if she did, it was because you had begged for the majority of the day to let you go out. Even then, Esdeath still trailed after you. The capital was full of people that could hurt you and while she knew that you could handle yourself, she preferred dealing with them personally. You were far too kind and Esdeath was not about to let them walk away, thinking that what they had done to you was okay.

You had been looking at a ring for quite some time. The blue of the ring reminded you of Esdeath and you knew that you couldn't leave without it.

"Excuse me? How much is this?"

"For you? I'll give it to you for free if you'd go out with me."

You politely laugh, not wanting to offend the man. You needed to be smart about what to say. Esdeath was nearby and you were more than sure that she had heard him. It didn't take much to make her jealous so you needed to shut him down quickly. Not for your sake but for his.

"I'm terribly sorry but I'm with someone. How much will it be?"

"This is worth at least a years salary, I don't think you'll be able to afford this. But if you really want it, I'll give it to you if you accept my date proposal. Come on, this is a deal that you can't refuse. I'm giving it to you for free in exchange for a simple date. Just one date."

You had been wearing your training uniform that was much similar to the one's that the imperial army wore. The only difference was that you had a patch on your chest to show you were part of the Jeagers. Hardly anyone knew about the difference so you weren't surprised that the man didn't have a clue about it.

You were about to answer him when the man suddenly gasps and starts to shake as he looks behind you. You didn't even have to look back to know that Esdeath was on her way.

"General Esdeath! What have I done to be graced by your presence?"

Esdeath wrapped her arm around your waist and leaned down to kiss your cheek.

"I didn't like the way you were talking to my darling. Is that how you speak to other women? You should be ashamed of yourself."


"You know I'm right (y/n). You're far too nice to tell him anything and that's okay. That's why I love you. As for me? I'm the complete opposite. Give her the ring that she wanted."

Not wanting to get close to Esdeath, he tosses the ring to you. Closing his eyes, he started to silently pray for a quick death. He had heard stories about General Esdeath and the thousands of deaths that she's caused just for her sick pleasure.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know! Please don't kill me. You can take all the jewelry! I don't care, just please don't kill me."

"Kill you?" She starts to laugh, making the man feel at ease. Perhaps there was a chance that he wasn't going to die at her hands. "What's the fun in that? It has been a while since I've had my fun in bringing someone pain. I think you'll do nicely. Guards!"

Out of nowhere, 2 imperials soldiers rush to her side. She points at the man and they are quick to drag him away.

You turn around in her arms with a frown on your face.

"Esdeath, that wasn't very nice. Are you going to release him?"

"He wasn't very nice. I think it's only appropriate that I teach him a lesson. He called you poor! I wasn't going to standby and let him insult you like that."

You roll your, an amused smile now on your face. After years of dealing with her extreme behavior, you had gotten used to it. Leaning closer to her, you kissed her softly.

"Then thank you for taking care of me."

"It's my absolute pleasure, darling. You know how much I love and care for you."

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