You/Isabella - Ringing

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(The Promised Neverland)

You and Isabella had ended up meeting during training. She was always so serious about everything and you couldn't help but be drawn to her. Isabella didn't like you at first, considering you as a distraction for becoming the perfect candidate to be a Mama. It didn't take long for her to take a liking to you as you helped her forget about the cruel world that was waiting outside for the two of you. Your superiors knew about the friendship and allowed it. They knew it was always easy to control someone when they cared for someone else so when the it was quite obvious that the two of you were more than friends, they allowed your relationship to continue. The highest grades in the class were held by the two of you so there was no reason to intervene as long as you continued to keep scoring high. 

"Isabella! I made another 100 on my exam. Look!"

Isabella stops fixing her bed to look at the papers that you had thrust in her face. She wasn't surprised about the high grade considering that the two you had stayed up to study for it. 

"I knew you could do it. I never doubted you for a second."

You give her a wide smile and leaned in to kiss her. It doesn't take longer than a second for you to figure out that something as wrong. Something felt off about the kiss. 

"What's going on Isabella?"

Isabella had hoped to just pretend nothing had changed for her last couple of minutes but she was running out of time. 

"T..they're assigning me to a house. I'm leaving in an hour."

Your heart shattered in pieces as you heard this. While you knew that the two of you would eventually separate, you didn't think it would be so soon. Knowing that you would just make things worse for her if you just started to cry, you forced yourself to smile through the pain. Isabella had dreamed of becoming a Mama and you were happy that she was getting her wish. 

"Congratulations, Isabella. I'm so proud of you."

You hugged her tightly, almost forgetting for second that she was leaving you soon. The two of you continued to hug until you eventually couldn't do so any longer in fear that your tears would spill. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it would mean..."

"Isabella, you have nothing to apologize for. I'm truly happy. I'm sure we'll be able to figure something out, right? We always do. Now let me finish helping you pack so we can cuddle a couple of minutes before you leave."


You had been a complete wreck when Isabella left. It felt like you had lost a piece of your heart and you couldn't imagine how Isabella must have felt. You would do anything to see her again but you knew that it would be impossible unless you were assigned as a Sister. Even if you did bad in your exams, your supervisors would quickly see what you were doing and put a stop to it. A week had passed since Isabella had left when you learned about the radios they kept to communicate to the rest of the Mama's. No one but those that controlled the radio were supposed to know about it but you had accidentally stumbled upon it. During your spare time, you would wonder near the room to memorize when the room was left empty. Once you had gotten the schedule down, you began to visit it when it was free. 

The device was quite complicated to figure out but with your determination, it had only taken a couple of visits. You had gathered the information you needed to contact Isabella and waited until it was free to call her. 

"This is Isabella."

"Isabella! It's me, (y/n)"

Isabella drops all formalities when she hears it you. 

"(y/n)?! What are you doing? How did you even get access to the radio?"

"It doesn't really matter how I got access. What matters is that we get to talk again. It's such a relief to hear your voice again, Isabella. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too. It's feels weird to not have you around."

"I know but lets not talk about that. There's nothing we could do about the moment. Tell me all about how it is to be a Mama."


The two of you continued talking every night as scheduled. Talking to her made you feel better and it was obvious to everyone that something must've happened to make your mood be a 180. The demons were suspicious about it so they began to investigate. They had someone trail after you and that's when they learned about the radio. The heads debated what to do about it until eventually decided to do nothing. The two of you weren't slacking in your duties so there was no reason to stop what was happening. 

When you started calling her in the day, they decided to step in. They couldn't' afford for you to distract Isabella from her duties just to talk to you. You had gotten too greedy and you were going to pay for it. 

The moment you saw a demon trailing behind you, you made a run for the radio room. As you arrived, you locked the door behind you and quickly hurried to call Isabella. You continued to call her but she never picked up. The longer the ringing went on, the more you lost hope in her answering. The demons broke down the door soon enough and dragged you out. 


Isabella didn't think it would be so bad if she missed a call. One of the kids had accidently hurt themselves and she couldn't' step out to answer your call. She figured she would make it up to you by staying up a little longer when she called you later in the night. 

After making sure that all the kids were sleeping, she headed to her private room to call you. Isabella found it strange that you hadn't picked up in the first ring. You were always so quick to answer. The longer the ringing went on, the more worried she got. This was unlike you. The phone continued to go unanswered and eventually Isabella gave up for the night. 


Isabella continued to call every night for the rest of the month but you never answered. As the days went on, her hope diminished until there was nothing left. She felt numb. It was exactly how it was with Leslie but this was much worse. The two of you had actually been together. With nothing else she could do, she built her walls back up and focused entirely on becoming the best Mama. 

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