You/Erza Scarlet - Secret Part 1

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(Fairy Tail)

AN: I know nothing about the anime or manga so this might be entirely inaccurate.

It had been almost a week and you still hadn't shown up

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It had been almost a week and you still hadn't shown up. You were supposed to return a few days ago but Erza assumed that something distracted you from coming home. You always had a habit of stopping at the nearby villages to buy something for the kids so she hadn't found it strange that you hadn't shown up when you said you would return. But after a week of nothing, she couldn't help but feel like something was wrong.

"It is strange that she hasn't shown up. Perhaps it would be a good idea to send out a search party for her."

Master Makarov also found it strange in the sudden interest of Erza in you. As far as he knew, the two of you only had a formal relationship. Only interacting when it was necessary.

"Of course, I'm afraid that I won't be able to go with the team. I need to stay behind and take care of something but will you please let me know when they arrive. I'd like to know why she didn't show up a few days ago."

His interest was drawn, there was something going on between the two of you. It seemed that Erza actually cared for you.

"I will."


The team was surprised that Erza had been the one to mention your disappearance. They didn't know that the two of you were close enough so that she could realize that you were missing. Just like Master Makarov could tell, the team could also tell that there was something more between the two of you than you were letting on.

After getting the details of where you were going, the team headed out to retrace your steps in search of you. The first day on your search for you had turned empty. They didn't want to stop so they continued searching into the night. Eventually after walking for so long, they spotted smoke in the nearby distance.

"That might be her. Lets just be careful."

They all quietly make their way to the campfire where they end up finding you with a large slash across your stomach as it was visible through the makeshift bandage that you had made with your shirt. They weren't sure how long it's been since it happened or how much blood you had lost but it looked plenty with the blood that was already spilling from the bandage.


You thought you were hearing things when you heard your name being called. When you hear it again, you know you weren't hallucination. Slowly turning your head to the side, you find the team rushing to your aid. They laid you down and removed the bandage to inspect the damage.

"You're going to be okay, (y/n). This is nothing that I can't heal. I'm going to get you fixed right up and we'll go back home."

You weren't sure who was talking as you looked up at the night sky. You figured it had to be Wendy as she often healed the injuries for others.

"Thanks, Wendy."

Wendy doesn't say anything as she concentrates on healing your wound. Slowly working on your wound, you start to feel better. You're tired but not as tired as before. The pain is mostly gone but you're still relieved that it wasn't as painful as before.

"There. I healed your injury but you still need some rest. At least a day or two in bed will get you back in shape."

As they set up camp, you tell them about what happened. In return, they tell you as to why they had been sent.

"We hardly see you around so we hadn't noticed that you had disappeared. Erza was actually the one who noticed it."

You knew where they were getting at but you weren't going to volunteer any information. The two of you had already gone so long without anyone finding out about your relationship and you weren't going to ruin it, Erza would kill you if they found out because of you.

"She probably needed to get something from me and got annoyed when I never appeared."

"Right. Well we need some sleep. We'll head out in the early morning."


As promised, Master Makarov let Erza know that you had returned.

"She was injured but Wendy managed to heal her. She'll just need to rest. The team dropped her off at her place if you wanted to visit her."

She thanks him and heads back home to get the kids so they could visit you.


When they arrived, Erza hadn't expected to still find the team with you.


They all run to climb on top of the bed and lay besides you. Everyone but the kids are in shock about what they just heard and witness.


Lucy is the first one the speak, wanting to get answers.

"Drop it. We're not going to talk about this until we're ready. For now, all of you can go. Thank you for bringing her back to us. I'm entirely grateful. I promise we'll tell you everything but for now, we just want to spend our time as a family."

They attempted to stay behind to actually get some answers but Erza just continued to push them out until she was finally able to shut the door behind them.

"That was surprising. I thought I was going to be the reason as to why they found out about us."

"Technically, you are the reason as to why they found out."

You rolled your eyes, knowing that Erza would never accept the fact that she was the reason that now everyone knew.

"I'm injured, you're supposed to be nice to me!"

"I am being nice to you. I'm not yelling at you for being so stu...dumb to just take off like that."

"I'm not...." She raised her eyebrow at you, practically daring you to say otherwise. "Okay, you're right. I'm sorry."

"We'll talk about this later. I just want to get some sleep. We all haven't been able to get a good nights rest. We were worried about you."

You did your best to make enough space so she could lay down with you and the kids.

"I'm sorry for worrying all of you. I'll be careful next time."

"You better be."

The two of you closed your eyes and fell asleep to the sounds of your beating hearts.


Send me prompts and suggestions on request page. If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Imu Rifuta - Matchmaker

Akame - Hurt

Isabella - Help

Esdeath - ??

Mai S... - Forgotten


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