You/Sergeant Calhaun - Out

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AN: She's from a movie but I didn't know where else to put it.

(Wreck it Ralph)

A bug from the game had managed to escape and now everyone was panicking while trying to figure out what to do

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A bug from the game had managed to escape and now everyone was panicking while trying to figure out what to do. Sergeant Calhaun gives everyone a minute to panic and then yells at them to stop.

"Alright! We've faced worse things than this. There's no need to panic. All we need to do is track down the bug and take it down. (l/n), you're with me. The rest of you, stay here and make sure that no other bugs escape, got it?"

"Yes ma'am!"

They yell in unison before heading back to the tower to leave you and Sergeant Calhaun on your own.

" you really think it's a good idea for me to come with you, Sergeant?"

"Why wouldn't it be a good idea? You're my best soldier and I need the best with me to track the bug down. Now come on, we're wasting time."


Never in your life would you have thought that you'll spend hours in a tiny spaceship alone with Sergeant Calhaun. While it was something you had often dreamed about, you didn't think it would become a reality. Ever since you could remember, you had the biggest crush on her but you never acted upon it. She had been married for a couple of years so you stayed away and then after she lost her husband, it just didn't feel right to say anything about how your feelings for her. So to avoid anyone finding out that you liked Sergeant Calhaun, you stayed away from her. Your plan had been working until now, it was nerve wrecking to be so close to her.

"Is there a problem Corporal?"

"No, Sergeant! There's no problem."

Tamora didn't believe you for a second. She could tell that something was bothering you and she wanted to get to the bottom of it. The two of you had been friends since forever and it wasn't until now that she realized that you had been pulling away from her. She felt bad about it and decided that the trip will hopefully repair the friendship that the two of you once had.

"(y/n), lets drop the rank. It's just the two of us here. We're friends aren't we?"

"Of course, Tammy. You're my best friend."

"Exactly now why don't you tell me what's going on. I know that I haven't been the best of friends recently but I'd like to change that."

"Tammy, you've been dealing with your problems. You wanted your space and I gave it to you."

Tamora just sighs and nods. She distinctly recalled her telling you to give her some space. Tamora didn't think you would take it so personally.

"I'm sorry. I never should've said that to you. You were trying to help and I didn't let you."

"It's okay, Tammy. Really. I completely understand."

She looked at you for a second to see if you weren't lying and eventually nodded when she saw you had said the truth.

"Well then let me make it up to you. Let me help you with what's bothering you."

"Tammy, there's nothing bothering me."

"Your leg has been shaking since we left and you keep moving around in your seat. It's quite obvious that something is going on with you."

You groan loudly, hating how observant she could be. If you didn't say something, she was just going to continue bothering you about it.

"Lets just say that I happen to like someone and I know that they won't like me back. How would one go about forgetting their feelings."

Tamora nearly crashed into one of the candy trees as she heard you talked. She hadn't expected for this to be your dilemma.

"Are we talking about Scot? Because I happen to know that he likes you."

"No, I'm not talk about Scot."

"Then maybe Kaleb? I've seen his eyes stray sometimes when we train together."

"No, Tamora. I'm not going to tell you who it is. It doesn't even matter who it is. I just need you to tell me what to do so I can get over these feelings quickly.

"I'm just trying to help. It's not everyday that I hear my best friend is in love with someone. How do you even know that they don't like you back? Have you even talked to them?"

"I just know that they don't like me. Are you going to help me or not because if you're not then can we just stop talking about it?"

Thankfully, Tamora had landed the ship so you were quick to head out and leave her. You needed to get away before you accidentally spilled the fact that you were talking about her.

"Just give me a hint! Come on. I'm your best friend."

You turn around to face her, finding that she right behind you. All you had to do was lean in just a bit and you could kiss her.

"You really want to know who I like?" Tamora nods quickly. Stepping in her personal space, you held her chin to look at you. "Are you sure?" You whispered to her.

Tamora was in some sort of trance as she looked at your eyes. She could stare at them all day if she could.


With her permission, you leaned in to kiss her.

"It's you."

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