You/Hange Zöe - Unknown

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(Attack on Titan)

You weren't sure how it happened but you woke up in the middle of a prison cell after you remembered falling asleep in your bed. As far as you could remember, you hadn't committed any crimes. Being placed in a cell had to have been a mistake. There was no way you could've committed a crime because you loved to follow the rules, even the ones that seemed stupid. 

"Hey! This must have been a mistake! You got the wrong person! You yelled through the small window but nobody answered. As far as you could see, there were members of the survey corp standing guard outside but they weren't speaking. "I know you can hear me! What's going on?! I didn't do anything wrong!"

The guards didn't even seem to pay you any attention as you continued to yell at them. No flinching when you yelled a little too loud or even any reaction when you asked to speak to a captain. Exhausted from your attempts to get any information, you headed back to you bed and ended up falling asleep soon after. 

When you woke up again, you found a small tray filled with food that made the rations you received as a cadet look like dessert. The food absolutely disgusting and you refused to eat it. 

"I can't seriously eat this! Why won't anybody tell me what's going on! Answer me!"

The two of them ignored you again, simply just stared at the empty wall that was in front of them. 


For the next several days, at least that's what you assumed considering that there was no sunlight to let you know how many days had passed. Lunch would come in at random times and it was impossible to keep track of the hours. All you could do was sleep, eat and think. You had far too much time in your hands and a wild imagination. With no one to talk to, you began to start talking to yourself. At first it was random, then it moved on to thinking about what could've happened to get thrown in a cell and finally thinking that whatever you were being accused of, you were guilty. 

Another couple of days passed by and you lost touch with reality. You began to hallucinate your friends and family. Some were already dead and others were very much alive. One of them happened to be Section Commander Hange.

"I'm not a hallucination, (y/n). It's actually me, Hange. You remember me, don't you?" You flinched as they patted your head. Despite Hange being able to physically touch you, they still didn't seem real. "Looks like you must already be suffering from hallucination. I need to hurry up and get you out of here. Trust me, I'm doing everything I can to prove your innocence but it's not easy."

"What's going on?! I don't understand, Section Commander. Why am I here?"

Hearing them speak about your innocence made you snap out of your trance. The Section Commander was very real and actually willing to help. 

"I'm afraid they believe you were working with Reiner and the others."

"What?! I swear, I didn't even meet them until they joined the Survey Corp. Hange, please! You have to believe me. I never worked for them and never will."

"I believe you but Commander Erwin doesn't. He's already ordered for you to be interrogated despite my protests."

"But I can't say anything when I don't know anything! You have to do something, Hange. I..I can't go through an interrogation. I'm already losing my mind in here. I can't go more days alone."

"I know but there's nothing I can do. This comes from above. Commander Erwin is adamant that you're interrogated. I will talk to him again but I can't make any promises. I must go. I've already taken too long. I was only given a couple of minutes."

You grabbed on to their jacket, not wanting for them to leave you alone. 

"Hange, please! D..don't go!"

If you hadn't buried your face in their chest, you would've noticed the tiny smirk. They had predicted for you to last a longer time in isolation but they had been wrong. You were losing touch with reality much faster than they had believed. 

"I'm sorry but I have to go."

The guards rush in and push you off of Hange as they leave. 


You were rocking back and forth on your bed when the door opens again. When you turn around, you find Hange standing at the entrance. Happy that she's back, you run up to hug her. 

"You're back!"

"I am and I brought some food that tastes better." You quickly grab the food and practically scarf down what they had brought you. It had been the first thing that you ate that actually had flavor and it was gone too soon. "I'm afraid that it's all I had. I will try to bring some more next time."

"Next time?"

Hange nods, giving you a smile. 

"Yes, Commander Erwin has agreed to not interrogate you. In turn, I will be coming in daily to ask you questions. I'll basically be interrogating you but won't include the torture part."

You can't help but hug them tightly about the good news. You still weren't being let out but at least you weren't going to continue struggling to not go insane. 

"I can't thank you enough, Hange. I'm sorry for causing you such trouble."

"You don't have to apologize or even thank me. I'm just doing what's right. You're being falsely accused and I'm going to get to the bottom of it to free you."


As promised, Hange would come in everyday to ask you questions. The first couple of days were about Reiner and the others but then they changed into personal questions. They asked about your childhood, your years in the cadet corp, your family and friends, there was nothing that she didn't ask about. By the end of the 'interrogation,' they knew everything about you.

"So I submitted my report to Commander Erwin, it'll just be a matter of time before he releases you from this cell. I can't believe it's been a year since you were brought it. Time sure does fly."

"A year? I've been in here for a year."

"I did everything..."

You hug them again, not wanting to let go. They had been the only one who stood by you. The only one that believed for you to be innocent of any wrongdoing. None of your friends cared, they never even bothered to visit.

"Thank you, Hange. I appreciate everything that you did for me. So what does this mean for me? When I get out I mean, what happens to me?"

"Well as far as I heard, you'll be placed in another squad. Presumably under Section Commander Mike."

"Hange, I don't think I can be on his squad. I don't think I'll be able to handle being apart from you."

Because they were the only ones that visited and the only one that you talked to, you had grown attached to them. Far too attached that you couldn't beat the thought about being without them.

"It's not in my hands, (y/n). Commander Erw.."

"Hange, I'm begging you. I can't be apart from you. I know that I've already asked too much of you but this will be the last thing. I..I just need to be close to you." You hugged them tighter, burying your face in their chest. "Please don't let them separate us."

"I'll try."

Again, you didn't notice the smirk Hange had. For over a year, Hange had carefully planned your imprisonment. They had planted some evidence in your belongings so you could be arrested. No one was any wiser about it. With trust at an all time low after Reiner, Bertolt and Annie, it was easy to fool everyone. Their hard work had paid off. You were theirs. Now it was just a matter of time for when the two of you would officially get together considering that you were now unable to be apart from them. 

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