You/Najenda - Over

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You weren't sure if the outcome of the fight was something to be happy about

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You weren't sure if the outcome of the fight was something to be happy about. Most of your friends were dead but they had accomplished Night Raid's primary mission. You hated how they had to sacrifice their lives for the better of the capitol. It wasn't fair that they had given their life for a better future and yet they weren't able to enjoy the fruit of their labor.

"They're all dead. Aren't they?"

You finally ask. You and Akame had been quietly looking at what was left of the capitol. It was a miracle that it was even standing after what had happened earlier.

"They all understood the risks that came with being in Night Raid."

"It didn't have to be like this. All our friends are dead."

"The world isn't fair, (y/n). Consider yourself lucky to even be able to breath right now. Don't waste the opportunity that was given to you. Go find Najenda, I'm sure she's looking for you."

You're turn to face her. You had a feeling this would be the last time you would see her in a long time.

"Where are you going to go?"

"I don't know. There's nothing left for me here."

"Stay. Najenda and I could use your help to rebuild the city."

She shakes her head. As much as she wanted to stay, the memories of what happened were still too fresh in her mind. Akame needed to get away.

"The two of you don't need me. I'm sure the both of you will have no trouble rebuilding the capitol."

You knew there was no changing her mind. When Akame set her mind to something, she never changed it again.

"I'm going to miss you, Akame."

She's caught off guard by the hug so it takes her a second to return it.

"I'm going to miss you too. Pass Najenda the message. I don't think I can wait around for her to come find us."

The two of you exchange another quick hug and then she takes off.


The moment you have your arms wrapped around Najenda, you let your tears fall. You couldn't let Akame see how much everything had affected you but now that you're alone with your girlfriend, you didn't have to hide your feelings.

Both of you just hold each other, comforting one another after what had happened.

"It's finally over, Najenda. Our mission is complete."

"Not entirely, (y/n). We still have to help with the rebuilding of the city. We need to make sure that this doesn't happen again."

You sigh, hating that there was still work needed to be done. You were so tired physically and emotionally.

"Is our work ever done, Najenda? It always seems like we accomplish something and then something else pops up."

She presses a soft kiss to your lips before gently turning your head so you could look at the city below the two of you.

"We owe it to our comrades to make sure that the new government is fair to everyone. Until then, I'm afraid that our work is still not done."

You nod in understanding. There was no reason to complain. You were alive and so was your girlfriend. If you had to spend your entire life making sure that the government was fair, then you were going to happily do so.

"Right. The sooner we get started. The sooner we can help the people of the capitol."


All characters are 18+

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Aiura .... - New

Krul Tepes - Escape


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