You/Mikasa Ackerman - Rank Part 2

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After Eren had revealed Mikasa's feeling for you, you've done everything you could to let her know that you felt the same

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After Eren had revealed Mikasa's feeling for you, you've done everything you could to let her know that you felt the same. You tried talking to her but she ignored you, the gifts you left in her bed would also be ignored, whenever you sat with Armin and Eren for lunch, she would come up with an excuse to not join the 3 of you. It got the point that you were fed up with being ignored that you just stopped trying.

"What's wrong with you? You look like they kicked your dog."

"Ymir! That's rude. I'm sorry for Ymir, (y/n). Are you okay?

Ymir scoffs at the apology but doesn't say anything when Krista apologizes for her. The two of them take a seat besides you as you all watch the rest of the cadets train.

"I'm fine. Just a little hurt, I guess. I don't really want to trouble you with my silly problems. You both already have enough on your plate."


Krista covers Ymir's mouth before she could continue talking.

"We'd love to help you with what's bothering you. You wouldn't bother us at all, right Ymir?"

Ymir rolls her eyes but eventually nods her head. Not wanting to decline her offer, you told her about everything that had happened after you found out that Mikasa liked you. Surprisingly, Ymir keeps her mouth shut as she hears everything that had happened.

"I'm honestly surprised that Mikasa seems to have an eye for someone other than Eren. I could have sworn that she had like a major crush on Eren. Have you seen the way that she acts with him?"

"Ymir, they're siblings. Mikasa just cares for him."

"I'm just saying. Besides, now we know that she actually has eyes for (y/n), right?"

Ymir surprises you by putting you in a chokehold and messing up your hair. You and Krista attempted to get her to stop but she wouldn't.

From afar, Mikasa was watching, the cadet who she was sparring with was taking the brunt of her jealousy. Her hits kept landing much harder, almost knocking him out until the trainer stopped her from taking it too far. You didn't notice, too focused on trying to get Ymir off of you.


"What happened during practice today, Mikasa? You almost knocked out the other cadet?"

"Nothing, Eren. Drop it."

"It must have been something that bothered you enough to affect your training." She turned around to glare at him, making him be afraid of what she could do. He had never see her act like this with him. "Okay, okay. I'll drop it."


Mikasa forget all about what had happened during training. There hadn't been another reason to get jealous until a new cadet arrived. She thought nothing of it when the two of you became friends but when she overheard the new cadet flirt with you, she nearly lost her mind.


You turned around, surprised to hear that Mikasa was finally talking to you. You're even more surprised when Mikasa cups your cheeks and pulls you in for a deep kiss. You take a second to return the kiss, shocked about what was happening. When everything finally sinks in, you close your eyes and kiss her back.

"What was that for? I thought you weren't going to acknowledge what Eren told me."

Mikasa looks over to the cadet, satisfied to find that the other girl had left.

"Eren made me realize that I was being stupid for not wanting to hear your confession. I thought I would make up for the way I treated you with a kiss."

You had forgotten all about your friend, too focused on wanting to kiss Mikasa again.

"I think I need a few more kisses so you can make up for ignoring me."

Mikasa was more than happy to oblige.

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