You/Erina Nakiri - Ignorance

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(Food Wars)

You were all smiles throughout the day as Erina had finally promised to make some time with you

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You were all smiles throughout the day as Erina had finally promised to make some time with you. With how busy she's been, it had been the first time the two of you were going to be able to spend some time together in a month. The work that she did was important so you couldn't blame her for being so busy. All that mattered at the moment was that she had finally made time for you.

Walking down the hall, you greeted everyone with a smile. They all returned the smile, finding your smile to be contagious. You didn't know half of the people that you smiled at but that didn't matter. You were just far too happy and you wanted to let the whole world know.

Finally getting to the room that the two of you agreed to meet on, you find that Erina wasn't alone. She was with Soma. She had been far too busy arguing with him to even notice that you had arrived. You had tried to catch her attention but the two of them were busy arguing about an ingredient to listen to you. Not able to be in the room anymore, you rushed out. Tears were already forming in your eyes and you refused to let anyone see you cry.


Erina was quite exhausted by the end of the day. Spending the day with Soma always left her too tired to do anything else so she headed straight to her room to get some sleep when they finished. She had a feeling that she had forgotten something but she couldn't remember what it was. You hadn't texted her about missing something so she decided it wasn't important enough to remember. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell asleep. Unaware that you had cried yourself to sleep.


Morning soon comes and you're nowhere in sight. The two of you usually spent a couple of minutes in the morning to quickly catch up before going about your day. Erina always looked forward to these minutes because it was the only time she could spend some time with you. She had been trying to make some time for you but there was always something stopping her from doing so. Erina knows she's been a shitty girlfriend and she planned to make it up to you as soon as her schedule cleared up. Making a mental list of everything that she was planning to do to make it up to you, she finally saw you across the room.

With smile, she waits for you to come over but you never do. You just continue walking straight toward where you were heading. Erina frowns in confusion and makes her way over to you.

"(y/n)! Where are you going?"

"I'm busy. What do you want, Erina?"

Erina is taken aback by your tone. You tried to sound mad but you sounded more upset than anything else.

"(y/n), what's wrong? Are you okay?"

You stop in your tracks to turn around and face her.

"You don't know do you?"

"Know what? What are you talking about?"

You weren't even sure what to respond so you just laughed. Erina wasn't sure what was going on but she was concerned.

"(y/n), what's going on?"

"I cried myself to sleep last night, Erina. Do you want to know why?" She attempted to pull you into a hug to comfort you but you stepped back, surprising her. "Because you forgot the date that you scheduled. I understand that you're busy and I was willing to just forgive and forget if I got a message or something to let me know what happened but you sent nothing. Even I was considering to forgive and forget if you apologized in the morning because I know how exhausted you tend to get but instead you're here asking me what's wrong?" You have to stop talking as you start to choke up on your words. Tears were already forming but you again refused to cry in front of everyone, especially her. "We're over. It's obvious that you don't prioritize our relationship enough to remember just one simple little thing."

"Wait (y/n)! I'm sorry!"

Erina tried to follow after you but she lost you in the sea of people. She had finally remembered her promising to finally spend an evening with you. Erina felt like an asshole as she remembered how excited you were when she had told you about it. What was even worse was that Soma had told her something about it but she paid him no attention but she was too busy arguing with him about something stupid.

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