You/Shinobu Kocho - Lovesick

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You woke up, greeted by the sight of Shinobu smiling down at you. The blinding light shining from the window makes you squint your eyes as you try to adjust to the brightness of the room. 

"You're finally awake! I was beginning to think you were going to sleep through the day again."


"Oh, silly me. Don't talk, your throat must be dry after so long." She quickly gets up and pours you a glass of water. Rather than handing it to you, she places a straw in it and moves it close to your lips. "Don't give me that look, you took quite a beating. I can't have my favorite patient accidently hurting themselves." 

With no other choice than to listen to her, you lean in and take a drink. The cold water soothes your throat and you can't help but quickly sip it all. When you're done, she takes a seat while you lay back down. You finally look down to your body, finding both your arms wrapped in bandages and your legs in casts. You attempt to remember what could've cause such injuries but your mind draws a blank. 

"What happened? I can't remember anything."

"Oh my, that can't be good. What was the last thing you remembered?"

You close your eyes and try your best to remember something. The only thing you manage to remember is arguing with Shinobu about something but you couldn't exactly remember what the two of you were talking about. 

"Well, we were arguing about something. I can't remember what. All I can see is you getting upset..." Shinobu's smile falls as she looks out the window. "Shino...."

"You were going to head out on a mission. I got upset because you refused to stay at the estate. You wanted to go out on the mission you were given but you were still far too injured to move. Despite my attempts to get you to stay, you left. I was upset so I didn't go with you like always. Then a week passes by and the kakushi brought you to me in this state."

Your guilt grows as she goes on with her explanation. All she wanted was to look out for you and you ignored her. 

"Shinobu, I'm so sorry. I should've listened to you."

She turns back to you with a smile. You remember feeling warm whenever you saw her smile but this one brought you chills. There was something off about this smile but you couldn't quite place it. 

"It's in the past. What matters is that you make a full recovery."


You weren't exactly sure what was going on with Shinobu but something was definitely wrong. After being awake for a month, you would've assumed to have made some progress on your recovery but nothing seem to change. You couldn't even see the extent of your injuries in your arms because Shinobu always changed your bandages when you were asleep. You had attempted to do it yourself one time but she caught you and scolded you for moving your arms. You haven't been able to move them since you woke and you were beginning to get restless. You wanted to get to the bottom of why you weren't recovery. 

"When will I be able to move my arms again?"

"Are you really in such a hurry to move them? I do everything for you, to make sure that you don't accidentally hurt yourself again and make things even worse. Do you want to lose the ability to move them?"

"Well no but..."

"No buts. You can't move your arms, (y/n). If you wish to make a full recovery then you must do as I say."

With a sigh, you nod. There was nothing you could do anyways. You had your doubts of what she was saying but you trusted her. Shinobu was just being precautions after you had managed to hurt yourself again on your mission. 

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